Humidifier Type |
Applicability |
Optional humidifier |
Definition |
The type of humidifier employed. Choices include:
Units |
List (see above) |
Input Restrictions |
As designed |
Baseline Building |
For systems serving zones where humidification is included in the proposed design, the baseline shall include the same humidifier type unless the proposed humidifier does not include automatic shutoff valves and insulated dispersion tubes meeting the requirements of 90.1-2019 Section In that case, adiabatic humidification shall be used in the baseline. In either case, the baseline humidification system uses the same schedule and setpoints as the proposed building. |
Humidistat Maximum Setting |
Applicability |
Systems with humidity control |
Definition |
The control setpoint for dehumidification |
Units |
Percent (%) |
Input Restrictions |
As designed |
Baseline Building |
If the proposed design HVAC system(s) have humidistatic controls, then the baseline building design shall use mechanical cooling for dehumidification and shall have reheat available to avoid overcooling. Systems serving computer rooms shall not have reheat for dehumidification. The reheat type shall be the same as the system heating type. Only 25% of the system reheat energy shall be included in the baseline building performance, when the baseline building doesn’t comply with any of the exceptions listed below (Standard 90.1-2019 Section The requirements and exceptions to the same are listed below- Humidity controls shall prevent reheating, mixing of hot and cold airstreams, or other means of simultaneous heating and cooling of the same airstream. Exceptions :
Humidistat Minimum Setting |
Applicability |
Systems with humidity control |
Definition |
The control setpoint for dehumidification |
Units |
Percent (%) |
Input Restrictions |
As designed |
Baseline Building |
Same as proposed |