3.0 Building Descriptors Reference

This chapter specifies for each building descriptor the rules that apply to the proposed design and to the baseline building. Building descriptors are grouped under objects or building components. A wall or exterior surface (an object) would have multiple building descriptors dealing with its geometry, thermal performance, etc. Each building descriptor contains the following pieces of information.

Building Descriptor Title
Applicability Information on when the building descriptor applies to the proposed design
Definition A definition for the building descriptor
Units The units that are used to prescribe the building descriptor
Input Restrictions Any restrictions on information that may be entered for the proposed design
Baseline Rules How the building descriptor applies to the baseline building
90.1-2016 BM




This chapter specifies for each building descriptor the rules that apply to the proposed design and to the baseline building. Building descriptors are grouped under objects or building components. A wall or exterior surface (an object) would have multiple building descriptors dealing with its geometry, thermal performance, etc. Each building descriptor contains the following pieces of information.

Building Descriptor Title


Information on when the building descriptor applies to the proposed design


A definition for the building descriptor


The units that are used to prescribe the building descriptor

Input Restrictions

Any restrictions on information that may be entered for the proposed desig

Baseline Building

How the building descriptor applies to the baseline building