Cooling Schedule | |
Applicability | All cooling systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of cooling |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For tax deduction calculations, the fan schedules from Tables 12 through 16 of Appendix C shall be used for cooling availability. For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The cooling availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule and thermostat schedules to reduce the likelihood of unmet load hours. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of heating |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For tax deduction calculations, the schedules from Tables 12 through 16 of Appendix C shall be used. For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The heating availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air-Handler Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems that do not cycle with loads |
Definition | A schedule that indicates when the air handler operates continuously |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For the purpose of tax deduction calculations, the fan schedule is prescribed. One of the schedules from Appendix C, Tables 12-16 shall be used. For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C are defaults, but other schedules may be used when detailed information is known about the proposed design. When a fan system serves several occupancies, the fan schedule must remain ON to serve the operating hours of each occupancy. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air Handler Fan Cycling | |
Applicability | All fan systems |
Definition | This building descriptor indicates whether the system supply fan operates continuously or cycles with building loads. The fan systems in most commercial buildings operate continuously. |
Units | List: continuous or cycles with loads |
Input Restrictions | Continuous fan operation during occupied periods is a prescribed input, except for hotel guest rooms and high-rise residential. For these building types, continuous operation is the default, however, the option to let the fan cycle with loads may be used when the following conditions are met and documented:
Baseline Rules | Same as proposed design, except for natural ventilation, in which case the fans in the baseline building are assumed to operate continuously |
Optimum Start Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the control capability for flexible scheduling of system start time based on building loads. |
Definition | Optimum start control adjusts the start time of the HVAC unit such that the space is brought to setpoint just prior to occupancy. This control strategy modifies the heating, cooling, and fan schedules. |
Units | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | The baseline building shall have optimum start controls when the baseline building design supply airflow is greater than 10,000 cfm. |
Night-Cycle HVAC Fan Control | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The control of an HVAC system that is triggered by the heating or cooling temperature setpoint for thermal blocks during periods when the heating, cooling and fan systems are scheduled to be off. The choices are:
Units | None |
Input Restrictions | As designed. However, night-cycle control shall be cycled on call from any zone for heating in climate zones 2 through 8, and for cooling in climate zones 1b, 2b, and 3b. |
Baseline Rules | Cycle on call from any zone |
Cooling Control
Cooling Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | Applicable to all systems |
Definition | The SAT setpoint at design cooling conditions |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 20°F below the zone temperature setpoint, except in laboratories, where it is to be set at 17°F below the zone temperature |
Cooling Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Any cooling system |
Definition |
The method of controlling the SAT. Choices are: · No control – for this scheme the cooling coils are energized whenever there is a call for cooling · Fixed (constant) · Reset by warmest zone, airflow first This control strategy resets the cooling SAT of a central forced air HVAC system according to the cooling demand of the warmest zone. The airflow first control approach tries to find the lowest supply airflow rate that will satisfy all the zone cooling loads at the maximum setpoint temperature. If this flow is greater than the maximum, the flow is set to the maximum and the setpoint temperature is reduced to satisfy the cooling loads. The airflow first strategy minimizes zone reheat coil energy (or overcooling) and central chiller energy consumption at the cost of possible increased fan energy. · Reset by warmest zone, temperature first This control strategy resets the cooling SAT of a central forced air HVAC system according to the cooling demand of the warmest zone. The temperature first control approach tries to find the highest setpoint temperature that will satisfy all the zone cooling loads at the minimum supply airflow rate. If this setpoint temperature is less than the minimum, the setpoint temperature is set to the minimum, and the supply airflow rate is increased to meet the loads. The temperature first strategy minimizes fan energy consumption at the cost of possible increased zone reheat coil energy (or overcooling) and central chiller energy consumption. Reset by outside air dry-bulb temperature · Scheduled setpoint · Staged setpoint (for single zone VAV and DX with multiple stages) |
Units | List (see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules |
For baseline building systems 1 through 4, there is no SAT control. The cooling coil modulates based on the zone thermostat setpoint. For systems 5 through 8, the air temperature for cooling shall be reset higher by 5°F under the minimum cooling load conditions using a reset by warmest zone, airflow first strategy. For system 11, the supply air temperature setpoint shall be reset from minimum supply air temperature at 50% cooling load to space temperature at 0% cooling load. For systems 9, 10, 12, and 13 (heating and ventilation and single zone systems), this input is not applicable. |
Cooling Reset Schedule by Outside Air Temperature | |
Applicability | When the proposed design resets SAT by outside air dry-bulb temperature |
Definition |
A linear reset schedule that represents the SAT setpoint as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see Figure 9): · The coldest cooling SAT · The corresponding (hot) outdoor air dry-bulb setpoint · The warmest cooling SAT · The corresponding (cool) outdoor air dry-bulb setpoint |
Units | Data structure (two matched pairs of SAT and OAT, see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not Applicable |
Heating Control
This section addresses building descriptors related to heating and preheating control. Section 3.6.6 addresses all other details related to heating systems.
Preheat Setpoint | |
Applicability | Systems with a preheat coil located in the outside air stream |
Definition | The control temperature leaving the preheat coil |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature leaving the air handler when the system is in a heating mode (not the air temperature leaving the reheat coils in VAV boxes) |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 110°F for system types 1-4; 70°F for system types 5-8 |
Heating Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the capability to vary heating SAT |
Definition | The method of controlling heating SAT. Choices are:
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Fixed (constant) |
Heating Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | Systems that reset the heating SAT by outside dry-bulb temperature (this typically applies to dual-duct systems or to single zone systems with hydronic heating coils) |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the heating supply air temperature or hot deck supply air temperature (for dual duct systems) as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"]):
[figure title="Example of SAT heating setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature (OAT)." id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"] |
Units | Data structure (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge
The baseline building does not have night purge controls. If the software supports it and the proposed design has the features, the following keywords may be used to model night purge. Note that night purge is coupled with thermal mass in the building, which is specified by other building descriptors.
Night Purge Availability Schedule | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | A schedule which represents the availability of night purge controls. |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is no night purge control. |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Control | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The control strategy for operation of nighttime purge. The control strategy may take account of indoor temperature, season, indoor temperature and other factors. |
Units | Data structure |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Fan Ratio | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The ratio of fan speed for a night purge cycle. |
Units | Ratio |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is 100% (or fans available at full speed). |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Cooling Schedule | |
Applicability | All cooling systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of cooling |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The cooling availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule and thermostat schedules to reduce the likelihood of unmet load hours. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of heating |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The heating availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air-Handler Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems that do not cycle with loads |
Definition | A schedule that indicates when the air handler operates continuously |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C are defaults, but other schedules may be used when detailed information is known about the proposed design. When a fan system serves several occupancies, the fan schedule must remain ON to serve the operating hours of each occupancy. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air Handler Fan Cycling | |
Applicability | All fan systems |
Definition | This building descriptor indicates whether the system supply fan operates continuously or cycles with building loads. The fan systems in most commercial buildings operate continuously. |
Units | List: continuous or cycles with loads |
Input Restrictions | Continuous fan operation during occupied periods is a prescribed input, except for hotel guest rooms and high-rise residential. For these building types, continuous operation is the default, however, the option to let the fan cycle with loads may be used when the following conditions are met and documented:
Baseline Rules | Same as proposed design, except for natural ventilation, in which case the fans in the baseline building are assumed to operate continuously |
Optimum Start Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the control capability for flexible scheduling of system start time based on building loads. |
Definition | Optimum start control adjusts the start time of the HVAC unit such that the space is brought to setpoint just prior to occupancy. This control strategy modifies the heating, cooling, and fan schedules. |
Units | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | The baseline building shall have optimum start controls when the baseline building design supply airflow is greater than 10,000 cfm. |
Night-Cycle HVAC Fan Control | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The control of an HVAC system that is triggered by the heating or cooling temperature setpoint for thermal blocks during periods when the heating, cooling and fan systems are scheduled to be off. The choices are:
Units | None |
Input Restrictions | As designed. However, night-cycle control shall be cycled on call from any zone for heating in climate zones 2 through 8, and for cooling in climate zones 1b, 2b, and 3b. |
Baseline Rules | Cycle on call from any zone |
Cooling Control
Cooling Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | Applicable to all systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature setpoint at design cooling conditions |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 20°F lower than the design room air temperature |
Cooling Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Any system with multiple cooling stages or unloading |
Definition | The method of controlling the supply air temperature. Choices are:
Units | List (see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | For baseline building systems 1 through 4, the SAT control is not applicable. For systems 5 through 8, the SAT control shall be reset by outside dry-bulb temperature. |
Cooling Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | When the proposed design resets SAT by outside air dry-bulb temperature |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the SAT setpoint as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"]):
[figure title="SAT Cooling Setpoint Reset based on Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) for Dry (B) and Marine (C) Climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"] [figure title="SAT cooling setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature for humid 'A' climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-for-humid-a-climates"] |
Units | Data structure (two matched pairs of SAT and OAT, see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Applicable for baseline building systems 5 through 8. For these systems, the minimum SAT shall be equal to the design conditions SAT when OAT is equal to or greater than 80 F. The maximum SAT shall be 5 F greater than the minimum when the OAT is 60 F or less. |
Heating Control
Preheat Setpoint | |
Applicability | Systems with a preheat coil located in the outside air stream |
Definition | The control temperature leaving the preheat coil |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature leaving the air handler when the system is in a heating mode (not the air temperature leaving the reheat coils in VAV boxes) |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 110°F for system types 1-4; 70°F for system types 5-8 |
Heating Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the capability to vary heating SAT |
Definition | The method of controlling heating SAT. Choices are:
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Fixed (constant) |
Heating Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | Systems that reset the heating SAT by outside dry-bulb temperature (this typically applies to dual-duct systems or to single zone systems with hydronic heating coils) |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the heating supply air temperature or hot deck supply air temperature (for dual duct systems) as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"]):
[figure title="Example of SAT heating setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature (OAT)." id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"] |
Units | Data structure (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge
The baseline building does not have night purge controls. If the software supports it and the proposed design has the features, the following keywords may be used to model night purge. Note that night purge is coupled with thermal mass in the building, which is specified by other building descriptors.
Night Purge Availability Schedule | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | A schedule which represents the availability of night purge controls. |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is no night purge control. |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Control | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The control strategy for operation of nighttime purge. The control strategy may take account of indoor temperature, season, indoor temperature and other factors. |
Units | Data structure |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Fan Ratio | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The ratio of fan speed for a night purge cycle. |
Units | Ratio |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is 100% (or fans available at full speed). |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Cooling Schedule | |
Applicability | All cooling systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of cooling |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The cooling availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule and thermostat schedules to reduce the likelihood of unmet load hours. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of heating |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The heating availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air-Handler Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems that do not cycle with loads |
Definition | A schedule that indicates when the air handler operates continuously |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C are defaults, but other schedules may be used when detailed information is known about the proposed design. When a fan system serves several occupancies, the fan schedule must remain ON to serve the operating hours of each occupancy. |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Air Handler Fan Cycling | |
Applicability | All fan systems |
Definition | This building descriptor indicates whether the system supply fan operates continuously or cycles with building loads. The fan systems in most commercial buildings operate continuously. |
Units | List: continuous or cycles with loads |
Input Restrictions | Continuous fan operation during occupied periods is a prescribed input, except for hotel guest rooms and high-rise residential. For these building types, continuous operation is the default, however, the option to let the fan cycle with loads may be used when the following conditions are met and documented:
Baseline Rules | Same as proposed design, except for natural ventilation, in which case the fans in the baseline building are assumed to operate continuously |
Optimum Start Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the control capability for flexible scheduling of system start time based on building loads. |
Definition | Optimum start control adjusts the start time of the HVAC unit such that the space is brought to setpoint just prior to occupancy. This control strategy modifies the heating, cooling, and fan schedules. |
Units | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | The baseline building shall have optimum start controls when the baseline building design supply airflow is greater than 10,000 cfm. |
Night-Cycle HVAC Fan Control | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The control of an HVAC system that is triggered by the heating or cooling temperature setpoint for thermal blocks during periods when the heating, cooling and fan systems are scheduled to be off. The choices are:
Units | None |
Input Restrictions | As designed. However, night-cycle control shall be cycled on call from any zone for heating in climate zones 2 through 8, and for cooling in climate zones 1b, 2b, and 3b. |
Baseline Rules | Cycle on call from any zone |
Cooling Control
Cooling Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | Applicable to all systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature setpoint at design cooling conditions |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 20°F lower than the design room air temperature |
Cooling Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Any system with multiple cooling stages or unloading |
Definition | The method of controlling the supply air temperature. Choices are:
Units | List (see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | For baseline building systems 1 through 4, the SAT control is not applicable. For systems 5 through 8, the SAT control shall be reset by outside dry-bulb temperature. |
Cooling Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | When the proposed design resets SAT by outside air dry-bulb temperature |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the SAT setpoint as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see Figure 6.7.2-1 and Figure 6.7.2-2):
Figure 6.7.2-1: SAT Cooling Setpoint Reset based on Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) for Dry (B) and Marine (C) Climates
Figure 6.7.2-2: SAT cooling setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature for humid 'A' climates |
Units | Data structure (two matched pairs of SAT and OAT, see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Applicable for baseline building systems 5 through 8. For these systems, the minimum SAT shall be equal to the design conditions SAT when OAT is equal to or greater than 80 F. The maximum SAT shall be 5 F greater than the minimum when the OAT is 60 F or less. |
Heating Control
Preheat Setpoint | |
Applicability | Systems with a preheat coil located in the outside air stream |
Definition | The control temperature leaving the preheat coil |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Same as the proposed design |
Heating Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature leaving the air handler when the system is in a heating mode (not the air temperature leaving the reheat coils in VAV boxes) |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | 110°F for system types 1-4; 70°F for system types 5-8 |
Heating Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the capability to vary heating SAT |
Definition | The method of controlling heating SAT. Choices are:
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Fixed (constant) |
Heating Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | Systems that reset the heating SAT by outside dry-bulb temperature (this typically applies to dual-duct systems or to single zone systems with hydronic heating coils) |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the heating supply air temperature or hot deck supply air temperature (for dual duct systems) as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see Figure 6.7.2-3):
Figure 6.7.2-3: Example of SAT heating setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature (OAT) |
Units | Data structure (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge
The baseline building does not have night purge controls. If the software supports it and the proposed design has the features, the following keywords may be used to model night purge. Note that night purge is coupled with thermal mass in the building, which is specified by other building descriptors.
Night Purge Availability Schedule | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | A schedule which represents the availability of night purge controls. |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is no night purge control. |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Control | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The control strategy for operation of nighttime purge. The control strategy may take account of indoor temperature, season, indoor temperature and other factors. |
Units | Data structure |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
Night Purge Fan Ratio | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The ratio of fan speed for a night purge cycle. |
Units | Ratio |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is 100% (or fans available at full speed). |
Baseline Rules | Not applicable |
This section addresses the following control topics:
This section addresses the following control topics:
Cooling Schedule | |
Applicability | All cooling systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of cooling |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The cooling availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule and thermostat schedules to reduce the likelihood of unmet load hours. |
Heating Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of heating |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The heating availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule. |
Air-Handler Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems that do not cycle with loads |
Definition | A schedule that indicates when the air handler operates continuously |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C are defaults, but other schedules may be used when detailed information is known about the proposed design. When a fan system serves several occupancies, the fan schedule must remain ON to serve the operating hours of each occupancy. |
Air Handler Fan Cycling | |
Applicability | All fan systems |
Definition | This building descriptor indicates whether the system supply fan operates continuously or cycles with building loads. The fan systems in most commercial buildings operate continuously. |
Units | List: continuous or cycles with loads |
Input Restrictions | Continuous fan operation during occupied periods is a prescribed input, except for hotel guest rooms and high-rise residential. For these building types, continuous operation is the default, however, the option to let the fan cycle with loads may be used when the following conditions are met and documented:
Optimum Start Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the control capability for flexible scheduling of system start time based on building loads. |
Definition | Optimum start control adjusts the start time of the HVAC unit such that the space is brought to setpoint just prior to occupancy. This control strategy modifies the heating, cooling, and fan schedules. |
Units | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night-Cycle HVAC Fan Control | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The control of an HVAC system that is triggered by the heating or cooling temperature setpoint for thermal blocks during periods when the heating, cooling and fan systems are scheduled to be off. The choices are:
Units | None |
Input Restrictions | As designed. |
Cooling Control
Cooling Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | Applicable to all systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature setpoint at design cooling conditions |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Cooling Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Any system with multiple cooling stages or unloading |
Definition | The method of controlling the supply air temperature. Choices are:
Units | List (see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Cooling Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | When the proposed design resets SAT by outside air dry-bulb temperature |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the SAT setpoint as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"]):
[figure title="SAT Cooling Setpoint Reset based on Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) for Dry (B) and Marine (C) Climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"] [figure title="SAT cooling setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature for humid 'A' climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-for-humid-a-climates"] |
Units | Data structure (two matched pairs of SAT and OAT, see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Control
Preheat Setpoint | |
Applicability | Systems with a preheat coil located in the outside air stream |
Definition | The control temperature leaving the preheat coil |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature leaving the air handler when the system is in a heating mode (not the air temperature leaving the reheat coils in VAV boxes) |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the capability to vary heating SAT |
Definition | The method of controlling heating SAT. Choices are:
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | Systems that reset the heating SAT by outside dry-bulb temperature (this typically applies to dual-duct systems or to single zone systems with hydronic heating coils) |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the heating supply air temperature or hot deck supply air temperature (for dual duct systems) as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"]):
[figure title="Example of SAT heating setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature (OAT)." id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"] |
Units | Data structure (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night Purge
The baseline building does not have night purge controls. If the software supports it and the proposed design has the features, the following keywords may be used to model night purge. Note that night purge is coupled with thermal mass in the building, which is specified by other building descriptors.
Night Purge Availability Schedule | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | A schedule which represents the availability of night purge controls. |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is no night purge control. |
Night Purge Control | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The control strategy for operation of nighttime purge. The control strategy may take account of indoor temperature, season, indoor temperature and other factors. |
Units | Data structure |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night Purge Fan Ratio | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The ratio of fan speed for a night purge cycle. |
Units | Ratio |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is 100% (or fans available at full speed). |
Cooling Schedule | |
Applicability | All cooling systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of cooling |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The cooling availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule and thermostat schedules to reduce the likelihood of unmet load hours. |
Heating Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | A schedule that represents the availability of heating |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C shall be used as a default. The heating availability schedule shall be consistent with the supply fan schedule. |
Air-Handler Schedule | |
Applicability | All systems that do not cycle with loads |
Definition | A schedule that indicates when the air handler operates continuously |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | For green building ratings and Design to Earn ENERGY STAR, the schedules in Appendix C are defaults, but other schedules may be used when detailed information is known about the proposed design. When a fan system serves several occupancies, the fan schedule must remain ON to serve the operating hours of each occupancy. |
Air Handler Fan Cycling | |
Applicability | All fan systems |
Definition | This building descriptor indicates whether the system supply fan operates continuously or cycles with building loads. The fan systems in most commercial buildings operate continuously. |
Units | List: continuous or cycles with loads |
Input Restrictions | Continuous fan operation during occupied periods is a prescribed input, except for hotel guest rooms and high-rise residential. For these building types, continuous operation is the default, however, the option to let the fan cycle with loads may be used when the following conditions are met and documented:
Optimum Start Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the control capability for flexible scheduling of system start time based on building loads. |
Definition | Optimum start control adjusts the start time of the HVAC unit such that the space is brought to setpoint just prior to occupancy. This control strategy modifies the heating, cooling, and fan schedules. |
Units | Boolean (Yes/No) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night-Cycle HVAC Fan Control | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The control of an HVAC system that is triggered by the heating or cooling temperature setpoint for thermal blocks during periods when the heating, cooling and fan systems are scheduled to be off. The choices are:
Units | None |
Input Restrictions | As designed. |
Cooling Control
Cooling Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | Applicable to all systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature setpoint at design cooling conditions |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Cooling Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Any system with multiple cooling stages or unloading |
Definition | The method of controlling the supply air temperature. Choices are:
Units | List (see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Cooling Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | When the proposed design resets SAT by outside air dry-bulb temperature |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the SAT setpoint as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"]):
[figure title="SAT Cooling Setpoint Reset based on Outdoor Air Temperature (OAT) for Dry (B) and Marine (C) Climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat-for-dry-b-and-marine-c-climates"] [figure title="SAT cooling setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature for humid 'A' climates" id="sat-cooling-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-for-humid-a-climates"] |
Units | Data structure (two matched pairs of SAT and OAT, see above) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Control
Preheat Setpoint | |
Applicability | Systems with a preheat coil located in the outside air stream |
Definition | The control temperature leaving the preheat coil |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Supply Air Temperature | |
Applicability | All systems |
Definition | The supply air temperature leaving the air handler when the system is in a heating mode (not the air temperature leaving the reheat coils in VAV boxes) |
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Supply Air Temperature Control | |
Applicability | Systems with the capability to vary heating SAT |
Definition | The method of controlling heating SAT. Choices are:
Units | Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Heating Reset Schedule by OSA | |
Applicability | Systems that reset the heating SAT by outside dry-bulb temperature (this typically applies to dual-duct systems or to single zone systems with hydronic heating coils) |
Definition | A linear reset schedule that represents the heating supply air temperature or hot deck supply air temperature (for dual duct systems) as a function of outdoor air dry-bulb temperature. This schedule is defined by the following data points (see [bookref id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"]):
[figure title="Example of SAT heating setpoint reset based on outdoor air temperature (OAT)." id="example-of-sat-heating-setpoint-reset-based-on-outdoor-air-temperature-oat"] |
Units | Data structure (°F) |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night Purge
The baseline building does not have night purge controls. If the software supports it and the proposed design has the features, the following keywords may be used to model night purge. Note that night purge is coupled with thermal mass in the building, which is specified by other building descriptors.
Night Purge Availability Schedule | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | A schedule which represents the availability of night purge controls. |
Units | Data structure: schedule, on/off |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is no night purge control. |
Night Purge Control | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The control strategy for operation of nighttime purge. The control strategy may take account of indoor temperature, season, indoor temperature and other factors. |
Units | Data structure |
Input Restrictions | As designed |
Night Purge Fan Ratio | |
Applicability | Systems that operate the fans for nighttime purge of heat gains |
Definition | The ratio of fan speed for a night purge cycle. |
Units | Ratio |
Input Restrictions | As designed. The default is 100% (or fans available at full speed). |