Hydronic/Steam Heating Coils

90.1-2016 BM

Systems with boilers have heating coils, including baseline building systems 1, 5 and 7.

Heating Coil Capacity


All systems with a hydronic heating coil


The heating capacity of a heating coil at ARI conditions



Input Restrictions

As designed. Adjust the capacity if the number of unmet load hours exceeds 300.

Baseline Rules

Autosize with a heating oversizing factor of 25%. If the number of unmet load hours for the baseline exceeds 300, increase the heating coil capacity as described in Chapter 2.


Systems with boilers have heating coils, including baseline building systems 1, 5, 7, 11 (for climate zones 3B to 8), and system 12. Two-way valves are assumed at the baseline system heating coils with a single three-way bypass valve at the end of the loop.


Heating Coil Capacity


All systems with a heating coil


The heating capacity of a heating coil at ARI conditions



Input Restrictions

As designed. Adjust the capacity if the number of UMLH exceeds 300.

Baseline Building

Autosized, with a heating oversizing factor of 25%. Sizing calculations shall be based on the heating design day and cooling design day conditions, as defined in Section 3.2.3 of this document. Oversizing would be carried out at zone level where the sizing parameters would be applied to the zone design heating loads, but not the airflow rates. If the number of UMLH for the baseline exceeds 300, heating coil capacity may need to be increased along with system airflow as described in Section 2.7.2 of this document.