3.4.6 Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Commercial refrigeration does not need to be modeled for calculation of tax deductions.

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

The 2008 California energy efficiency standards include refrigerated warehouses for the first time and there are plans to include walk-in refrigerators and freezers in the next update for 2011. ASHRAE has expanded the scope for Standard 90.1 to include more process energy, including commercial refrigeration. The building energy efficiency standards generally do not address commercial refrigeration, however, a recent USDOE standard scheduled to become effective in 2012 does address some of the equipment.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"] shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework.

[table title="USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)" id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]

Table I-1- Standard Levels For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Equipment class 2 Standard level * **
Equipment class Standard level * **
VOP.RC.M 0.82 x TDA + 4.07 VCT.RC.I 0.66 x TDA + 3.05
SVO.RC.M 0.83 x TDA + 3.18 HCT.RC.M 0.16 x TDA + 0.13
HZO.RC.M 0.35 x TDA + 2.88 HCT.RC.L 0.34 x TDA + 0.26
VOP.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 HCT.RC.I 0.4 x TDA + 0.31
HZO.RC.L 0.57 x TDA + 6.88 VCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VCT.RC.M 0.22 x TDA + 1.95 VCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
VCT.RC.L 0.56 x TDA + 2.61 VCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
SOC.RC.M 0.51 x TDA + 0.11 HCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VOP.SC.M 1.74 x TDA + 4.71 HCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
SVO.SC.M 1.73 x TDA + 4.59 HCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
HZO.SC.M 0.77 x TDA + 5.55 SOC.RC.L 1.08 x TDA + 0.22
HZO.SC.L 1.92 x TDA + 7.08 SOC.RC.I 1.26 x TDA + 0.26
VCT.SC.I 0.67 x TDA + 3.29 VOP.SC.L 4.37 x TDA + 11.82
VCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88 VOP.SC.I 5.55 x TDA + 15.02
HCT.SC.I 0.56 x TDA + 0.43 SVO.SC.L 4.34 x TDA + 11.51
SVO.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 SVO.SC.I 5.52 x TDA + 14.63
VOP.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 HZO.SC.I 2.44 x TDA + 9.
SVO.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 SOC.SC.I 1.76 x TDA + 0.36
HZO.RC.I 0.72 x TDA + 8.74 HCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88

*TDA is the total display area of the case, as measured in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 1200-2006, Appendix D.

** V is the volume of the case, as measured in ARI Standard 1200-2006, Appendix C.

***Kilowatt hours per day.

2For this rulemaking, equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of : (1) An equipment family code (VOP=vertical open, SVO=semivertical open, HZO=horizontal open, VCT=vertical transparent doors, VCS=vertical solid doors, HCT=horizontal transparent doors, HCS=horizontal solid doors, or SOC=service over counter); (2) an operating mode code (RC=remote condensing or SC=self contained); and (3) a rating temperature code (M=medium temperature (38º F), L=low temperature (0ºF), or I=ice-cream temperature (-15ºF)). For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature" equipment class. See discussion in section V.A.2 and chapter 3 of the TSD, market and technology assessment, for a more detailed explanation of the equipment class terminology. See table IV-2 for a list of the equipment classes by category.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (6.4.6-1).


$$ P_{Walk-in} = \left ( A_{Ref} \cdot PD_{Ref} + N_{Ref} \cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz} \cdot PD_{Frz} + N_{Frz} \cdot D_{Frz} \right ) $$


PWalk-in is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)
Axxx the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)
Nxxx the number of glass display doors (unitless)
PDxxx the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"] (W/ft²)
Dxxx the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)
xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

[table title="Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)" id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]
Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area Refrigerator Freezer
100 ft²  or less 8.0 16.0
101 ft² to 250 ft² 6.0 12.0
251 ft² to 450 ft² 5.0 9.5
451 ft² to 650 ft² 4.5 8.0
651 ft² to 800 ft² 4.0 7.0
801 ft² to 1,000 ft² 3.5 6.5
More than 1,000 ft² 3.0 6.0
Additional Power for each Glass Display Door 105 325
Refrigeration Modeling Method
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display

The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B, Table 61 are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation (6.4.6-1) and the values from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.

Units List (see above)
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Method used to model the proposed design shall be used for the baseline building. Note that credit is offered only when the USDOE performance ratings method is used.
Refrigeration Power
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model
Definition Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.
Units Kilowatts (kW)
Input Restrictions With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B, Table 6 are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.
Baseline Rules Refrigeration power is the same as the proposed design when the COMNET defaults are used. When the USDOE performance ratings method is used, refrigeration power for casework shall be determined from [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]; the power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be the same as the proposed design.
Remote Condenser Fraction
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods

The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:


$$ Q = \Big [ \left ( 1 - F \right ) \times kW - \left ( F \times kW \times COP \right ) \Big ] \times 3.413 $$Where

Q The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.

The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)
F The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)
COP The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.

Units Fraction
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration COP
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods
Definition The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.
Units Fraction
Input Restrictions This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration Schedule
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display
Definition The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions Continuous operation is prescribed.
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

The 2008 California energy efficiency standards include refrigerated warehouses for the first time and there are plans to include walk-in refrigerators and freezers in the next update for 2011. ASHRAE has expanded the scope for Standard 90.1 to include more process energy, including commercial refrigeration. The building energy efficiency standards generally do not address commercial refrigeration, however, a recent USDOE standard scheduled to become effective in 2012 does address some of the equipment.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"] shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework.

[table title="USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)" id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]

Table I-1- Standard Levels For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Equipment class 2 Standard level * **
Equipment class Standard level * **
VOP.RC.M 0.82 x TDA + 4.07 VCT.RC.I 0.66 x TDA + 3.05
SVO.RC.M 0.83 x TDA + 3.18 HCT.RC.M 0.16 x TDA + 0.13
HZO.RC.M 0.35 x TDA + 2.88 HCT.RC.L 0.34 x TDA + 0.26
VOP.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 HCT.RC.I 0.4 x TDA + 0.31
HZO.RC.L 0.57 x TDA + 6.88 VCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VCT.RC.M 0.22 x TDA + 1.95 VCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
VCT.RC.L 0.56 x TDA + 2.61 VCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
SOC.RC.M 0.51 x TDA + 0.11 HCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VOP.SC.M 1.74 x TDA + 4.71 HCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
SVO.SC.M 1.73 x TDA + 4.59 HCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
HZO.SC.M 0.77 x TDA + 5.55 SOC.RC.L 1.08 x TDA + 0.22
HZO.SC.L 1.92 x TDA + 7.08 SOC.RC.I 1.26 x TDA + 0.26
VCT.SC.I 0.67 x TDA + 3.29 VOP.SC.L 4.37 x TDA + 11.82
VCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88 VOP.SC.I 5.55 x TDA + 15.02
HCT.SC.I 0.56 x TDA + 0.43 SVO.SC.L 4.34 x TDA + 11.51
SVO.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 SVO.SC.I 5.52 x TDA + 14.63
VOP.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 HZO.SC.I 2.44 x TDA + 9.
SVO.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 SOC.SC.I 1.76 x TDA + 0.36
HZO.RC.I 0.72 x TDA + 8.74 HCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88

*TDA is the total display area of the case, as measured in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 1200-2006, Appendix D.

** V is the volume of the case, as measured in ARI Standard 1200-2006, Appendix C.

***Kilowatt hours per day.

2For this rulemaking, equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of : (1) An equipment family code (VOP=vertical open, SVO=semivertical open, HZO=horizontal open, VCT=vertical transparent doors, VCS=vertical solid doors, HCT=horizontal transparent doors, HCS=horizontal solid doors, or SOC=service over counter); (2) an operating mode code (RC=remote condensing or SC=self contained); and (3) a rating temperature code (M=medium temperature (38º F), L=low temperature (0ºF), or I=ice-cream temperature (-15ºF)). For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature" equipment class. See discussion in section V.A.2 and chapter 3 of the TSD, market and technology assessment, for a more detailed explanation of the equipment class terminology. See table IV-2 for a list of the equipment classes by category.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (6.4.6-1).


$$ P_{Walk-in} = \left ( A_{Ref} \cdot PD_{Ref} + N_{Ref} \cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz} \cdot PD_{Frz} + N_{Frz} \cdot D_{Frz} \right ) $$


PWalk-in is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)
Axxx the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)
Nxxx the number of glass display doors (unitless)
PDxxx the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"] (W/ft²)
Dxxx the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)
xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

[table title="Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)" id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]
Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area Refrigerator Freezer
100 ft²  or less 8.0 16.0
101 ft² to 250 ft² 6.0 12.0
251 ft² to 450 ft² 5.0 9.5
451 ft² to 650 ft² 4.5 8.0
651 ft² to 800 ft² 4.0 7.0
801 ft² to 1,000 ft² 3.5 6.5
More than 1,000 ft² 3.0 6.0
Additional Power for each Glass Display Door 105 325
Refrigeration Modeling Method
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display

The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B, Table 61 are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation (6.4.6-1) and the values from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.

Units List (see above)
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Method used to model the proposed design shall be used for the baseline building. Note that credit is offered only when the USDOE performance ratings method is used.
Refrigeration Power
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model
Definition Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.
Units Kilowatts (kW)
Input Restrictions With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B, Table 6 are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.
Baseline Rules Refrigeration power is the same as the proposed design when the COMNET defaults are used. When the USDOE performance ratings method is used, refrigeration power for casework shall be determined from [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]; the power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be the same as the proposed design.
Remote Condenser Fraction
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods

The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:


$$ Q = \Big [ \left ( 1 - F \right ) \times kW - \left ( F \times kW \times COP \right ) \Big ] \times 3.413 $$Where

Q The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.

The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)
F The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)
COP The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.

Units Fraction
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration COP
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods
Definition The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.
Units Fraction
Input Restrictions This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration Schedule
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display
Definition The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions Continuous operation is prescribed.
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

The 2008 California energy efficiency standards include refrigerated warehouses for the first time and there are plans to include walk-in refrigerators and freezers in the next update for 2011. ASHRAE has expanded the scope for Standard 90.1 to include more process energy, including commercial refrigeration. The building energy efficiency standards generally do not address commercial refrigeration, however, a recent USDOE standard scheduled to become effective in 2012 does address some of the equipment.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. Table 6.4.6-1 shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework.

Table 6.4.6-1: USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)

Table I-1- Standard Levels For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Equipment class 2 Standard level * **
Equipment class Standard level * **
VOP.RC.M 0.82 x TDA + 4.07 VCT.RC.I 0.66 x TDA + 3.05
SVO.RC.M 0.83 x TDA + 3.18 HCT.RC.M 0.16 x TDA + 0.13
HZO.RC.M 0.35 x TDA + 2.88 HCT.RC.L 0.34 x TDA + 0.26
VOP.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 HCT.RC.I 0.4 x TDA + 0.31
HZO.RC.L 0.57 x TDA + 6.88 VCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VCT.RC.M 0.22 x TDA + 1.95 VCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
VCT.RC.L 0.56 x TDA + 2.61 VCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
SOC.RC.M 0.51 x TDA + 0.11 HCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VOP.SC.M 1.74 x TDA + 4.71 HCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
SVO.SC.M 1.73 x TDA + 4.59 HCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
HZO.SC.M 0.77 x TDA + 5.55 SOC.RC.L 1.08 x TDA + 0.22
HZO.SC.L 1.92 x TDA + 7.08 SOC.RC.I 1.26 x TDA + 0.26
VCT.SC.I 0.67 x TDA + 3.29 VOP.SC.L 4.37 x TDA + 11.82
VCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88 VOP.SC.I 5.55 x TDA + 15.02
HCT.SC.I 0.56 x TDA + 0.43 SVO.SC.L 4.34 x TDA + 11.51
SVO.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 SVO.SC.I 5.52 x TDA + 14.63
VOP.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 HZO.SC.I 2.44 x TDA + 9.
SVO.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 SOC.SC.I 1.76 x TDA + 0.36
HZO.RC.I 0.72 x TDA + 8.74 HCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88

*TDA is the total display area of the case, as measured in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 1200-2006, Appendix D.

** V is the volume of the case, as measured in ARI Standard 1200-2006, Appendix C.

***Kilowatt hours per day.

2For this rulemaking, equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of : (1) An equipment family code (VOP=vertical open, SVO=semivertical open, HZO=horizontal open, VCT=vertical transparent doors, VCS=vertical solid doors, HCT=horizontal transparent doors, HCS=horizontal solid doors, or SOC=service over counter); (2) an operating mode code (RC=remote condensing or SC=self contained); and (3) a rating temperature code (M=medium temperature (38º F), L=low temperature (0ºF), or I=ice-cream temperature (-15ºF)). For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature" equipment class. See discussion in section V.A.2 and chapter 3 of the TSD, market and technology assessment, for a more detailed explanation of the equipment class terminology. See table IV-2 for a list of the equipment classes by category.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in Table 6.4.6-2. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (6.4.6-1).


$$ P_{Walk-in} = \left ( A_{Ref} \cdot PD_{Ref} + N_{Ref} \cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz} \cdot PD_{Frz} + N_{Frz} \cdot D_{Frz} \right ) $$


PWalk-in is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)
Axxx the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)
Nxxx the number of glass display doors (unitless)
PDxxx the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from Table 6.4.6-2 (W/ft²)
Dxxx the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)
xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

Table 6.4.6-2: Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)
Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area Refrigerator Freezer
100 ft²  or less 8.0 16.0
101 ft² to 250 ft² 6.0 12.0
251 ft² to 450 ft² 5.0 9.5
451 ft² to 650 ft² 4.5 8.0
651 ft² to 800 ft² 4.0 7.0
801 ft² to 1,000 ft² 3.5 6.5
More than 1,000 ft² 3.0 6.0
Additional Power for each Glass Display Door 105 325
Refrigeration Modeling Method
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display

The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B, Table 61 are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation (6.4.6-1) and the values from Table 6.4.6-2. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.

Units List (see above)
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Method used to model the proposed design shall be used for the baseline building. Note that credit is offered only when the USDOE performance ratings method is used.
Refrigeration Power
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model
Definition Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.
Units Kilowatts (kW)
Input Restrictions With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B, Table 6 are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.
Baseline Rules Refrigeration power is the same as the proposed design when the COMNET defaults are used. When the USDOE performance ratings method is used, refrigeration power for casework shall be determined from Table 6.4.6-1; the power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be the same as the proposed design.
Remote Condenser Fraction
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods

The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:


$$ Q = \Big [ \left ( 1 - F \right ) \times kW - \left ( F \times kW \times COP \right ) \Big ] \times 3.413 $$Where

Q The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.

The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)
F The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)
COP The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.

Units Fraction
Input Restrictions None
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration COP
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods
Definition The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.
Units Fraction
Input Restrictions This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
Refrigeration Schedule
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display
Definition The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions Continuous operation is prescribed.
Baseline Rules Same as the proposed design
  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.
90.1-2016 BM

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building. This is an important modeling distinction.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. Table 3.4.6-1 shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment and the total display area or volume of the casework.

Table 3.4.6-1: USDOE Requirements for Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers

Equipment Type


Energy Use Limits (kWh/day)

Test Procedure

Refrigerator with solid doors

Holding temperature

0.125 × V + 2.76

AHRI 1200

Refrigerator with transparent doors

0.172 × V + 4.77

Freezers with solid doors

0.398 × V + 2.28

Freezers with transparent doors

0.94 × V + 5.10

Refrigerators/freezers with solid doors

0.12 × V + 4.77

Commercial refrigerators


0.181 × V + 5.01

V is the chiller or frozen compartment volume (ft3) as defined in Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Standard HRF-1.


Table 3.4.6-2: USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)

Equipment Classa

Family Code

Operating Mode

Rating Temperature

Energy Use Limits,b,c


Test Procedure


Vertical open

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

1.01 × TDA + 4.07

AHRI 1200


Semivertical open

Medium temperature

1.01 × TDA + 3.18


Horizontal open

Medium temperature

0.51 × TDA + 2.88


Vertical open

Low temperature

2.84 × TDA + 6.85


Horizontal open

Low temperature

0.68 × TDA + 6.88


Vertical transparent door

Medium temperature

0.48 × TDA + 1.95


Vertical transparent door

Low temperature

1.03 × TDA + 2.61


Service over counter

Medium temperature

0.62 × TDA + 0.11


Vertical open

Self contained

Medium temperature

2.34 × TDA + 4.71


Semivertical open

Medium temperature

2.23 × TDA + 4.59


Horizontal open

Medium temperature

1.14 × TDA + 5.55


Horizontal open

Low temperature

2.63 × TDA + 7.08


Vertical transparent door

Ice cream

1.63 × TDA + 3.29


Vertical solid door

Ice cream

0.55 × V + 0.88


Horizontal transparent door

Ice cream

1.33 × TDA + 0.43


Semivertical open

Remote condensing

Low temperature

2.84 × TDA + 6.85


Vertical open

Ice cream

3.6 × TDA + 8.7


Semivertical open

Ice cream

3.6 × TDA + 8.7


Horizontal open

Ice cream

0.87 × TDA + 8.74


Vertical transparent door

Ice cream

1.2 × TDA + 3.05


Horizontal transparent door

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.39 × TDA + 0.13

AHRI 1200


Horizontal transparent door

Low temperature

0.81 × TDA + 0.26


 Horizontal transparent door

Ice cream

0.95 × TDA + 0.31


 Vertical solid door

Medium temperature

0.16 × V + 0.26


Vertical solid door

Low temperature

0.33 × V + 0.54


Vertical  solid door

Ice cream

0.39 × V + 0.63


Horizontal solid door

Medium temperature

0.16 × V + 0.26


Horizontal solid door

Low temperature

0.33 × V + 0.54


Horizontal solid door

Ice cream

0.39 × V + 0.63


Service over counter

Low temperature

1.3 × TDA + 0.22


Service over counter

Ice cream

1.52 × TDA + 0.26


Vertical open

Self contained

Low temperature

5.87 × TDA + 11.82


Vertical open

Ice cream

7.45 × TDA + 15.02


Semivertical open

Low temperature

5.59 × TDA + 11.51


Semivertical open

Ice cream

7.11 × TDA + 14.63


Horizontal open Service

Ice cream

3.35 × TDA + 9.0


over counter

Ice cream

2.13 × TDA + 0.36


Horizontal solid door

Ice cream

0.55 × V + 0.88

a.   Equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods [AAA].[BB].[C]) of the following: (AAA) An equipment family code (VOP = vertical open, SVO = semivertical open, HZO = horizontal open, VCT = vertical transparent doors, VCS = vertical solid doors, HCT = horizontal transparent doors, HCS = horizontal solid doors, and SOC = service over counter); (BB) An operating mode code (RC = remote condensing and SC = self contained); and (C) A rating temperature code (M = medium temperature [38°F], L = lowtemperature [0°F], or I = ice cream temperature [15°F]). For example, “VOP.RC.M” refers to the “vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature” equipment class.

b.   V is the volume of the case (ft3) as measured in AHRI Standard 1200, Appendix C.

c. TDA is the total display area of the case (ft2) as measured in AHRI Standard 1200, Appendix D.


Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in Table 3.4.6-2. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation 3.4.6-1.

(Equation 3.4.6-1)

$$P_{Walk-in}=\left ( A_{Ref}\cdot PD_{Ref}+N_{Ref}\cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz}\cdot PD_{Frz}+N_{Frz}\cdot D_{Frz} \right )$$



is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)


the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)


the number of glass display doors (unitless)


the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from Table 3.4.6-2 (W/ft²)


the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)


subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

Table 3.4.6-3: Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)

Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area



100 ft²  or less



101 ft² to 250 ft²



251 ft² to 450 ft²



451 ft² to 650 ft²



651 ft² to 800 ft²



801 ft² to 1,000 ft²



More than 1,000 ft²



Additional Power for each Glass Display Door





Refrigeration Modeling Method


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display


The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.1
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation 3.4.6-1 and the values from Table 3.4.6-2. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.


List (see above)

Input Restrictions


Baseline Rules

Method used to model the proposed design shall be used for the baseline building. Note that credit is offered only when the USDOE performance ratings method is used.


Refrigeration Power


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model


Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.


Kilowatts (kW)

Input Restrictions

With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building if the whole building categories are used or the floor area of the space if the space-by-space classifications are used. to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.

Baseline Rules

Refrigeration power is the same as the proposed design when the COMNET defaults are used. When the USDOE performance ratings method is used, the baseline refrigeration power for casework shall be determined from Table 3.4.6-1; the power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be the same as the proposed design.


Remote Condenser Fraction


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods


The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:

(Equation 3.4.6-2)

$$A=\left [ \left ( 1-F \right )\cdot kW-\left ( F\cdot kW \cdot COP \right ) \right ]\cdot 3412$$



The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.


The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)


The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)


The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.



Input Restrictions


Baseline Rules

Same as the proposed design


Refrigeration COP


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods


The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.



Input Restrictions

This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3

Baseline Rules

Same as the proposed design


Refrigeration Schedule


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display


The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.


Data structure: schedule, fractional

Input Restrictions

Continuous operation is prescribed.

Baseline Rules

Same as the proposed design


  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some has a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers rejects heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical, or semi-vertical. DOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. Table 15 shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework. Table 16 shows the performance requirements for walk-in refrigerators and freezers.

Table 15. Performance Rating Method for Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers

Equipment Type


Energy Use Limits

 Test Procedure

Refrigerator with solid doors

Holding temperature

0.125 × V + 2.76

AHRI 1200

Refrigerator with transparent doors

0.172 × V + 4.77

Freezers with solid doors

0.398 × V + 2.28

Freezers with transparent doors

0.94 × V + 5.10

Refrigerators/freezers with solid doors

0.12 × V + 4.77

Commercial refrigerators


0.181 × V + 5.01

Note: V is the chiller or frozen compartment volume (ft3) as defined in Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Standard HRF-1.

Table 16. Performance Rating Method for Commercial Casework

Equipment Class(a)

Family Code

Operating Mode

Rating Temperature

Energy Use Limits, (b),(c)

Test Procedure


Vertical open

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

1.01 × TDA + 4.07

AHRI 1200


Semivertical open

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

1.01 × TDA + 3.18


Horizontal open

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.51 × TDA + 2.88


Vertical open

Remote condensing

Low temperature

2.84 × TDA + 6.85


Horizontal open

Remote condensing

Low temperature

0.68 × TDA + 6.88


Vertical transparent door

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.48 × TDA + 1.95


Vertical transparent door

Remote condensing

Low temperature

1.03 × TDA + 2.61


Service over counter

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.62 × TDA + 0.11


Vertical open


Medium temperature

2.34 × TDA + 4.71


Semivertical open


Medium temperature

2.23 × TDA + 4.59


Horizontal open


Medium temperature

1.14 × TDA + 5.55


Horizontal open


Low temperature

2.63 × TDA + 7.08


Vertical transparent door


Ice Cream

1.63 × TDA + 3.29


Vertical solid door


Ice Cream

0.55 × V + 0.88


Horizontal transparent door


Ice Cream

1.33 × TDA + 0.43


Semivertical open

Remote condensing

Low temperature

2.84 × TDA + 6.85


Vertical open

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

3.6 × TDA + 8.7


Semivertical open

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

3.6 × TDA + 8.7


Horizontal open

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

0.87 × TDA + 8.74


Vertical transparent door

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

1.2 × TDA + 3.05


Horizontal transparent door

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.39 × TDA + 0.13


Horizontal transparent door

Remote condensing

Low temperature

0.81 × TDA + 0.26


Horizontal transparent door

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

0.95 × TDA + 0.31


Vertical solid door

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.16 × V + 0.26


Vertical solid door

Remote condensing

Low temperature

0.33 × V + 0.54

AHRI 1200


Vertical solid door

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

0.39 × V + 0.63


Horizontal solid door

Remote condensing

Medium temperature

0.16 × V + 0.26


Horizontal solid door

Remote condensing

Low temperature

0.33 × V + 0.54


Horizontal solid door

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

0.39 × V + 0.63


Service over counter

Remote condensing

Low temperature

1.3 × TDA + 0.22


Service over counter

Remote condensing

Ice Cream

1.52 × TDA + 0.26


Vertical open


Low temperature

5.87 × TDA + 11.82


Vertical open


Ice Cream

7.45 × TDA + 15.02


Semivertical open


Low temperature

5.59 × TDA + 11.51


Semivertical open


Ice Cream

7.11 × TDA + 14.63


Horizontal open


Ice Cream

3.35 × TDA + 9.0


Service over counter


Ice Cream

2.13 × TDA + 0.36


Horizontal solid door


Ice Cream

0.55 × V + 0.88

(a)   Equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods [AAA].[BB].[C]) of the following:

(AAA) An equipment family code (VOP = vertical open, SVO = semivertical open, HZO = horizontal open, VCT = vertical transparent doors, VCS = vertical solid doors, HCT = horizontal transparent doors, HCS = horizontal solid doors, and SOC = service over counter); (BB) An operating mode code (RC = remote condensing and SC = self-contained); and (C) A rating temperature code (M = medium temperature [38°F], L = low temperature [0°F], or I = ice cream temperature [15°F]). For example, “VOP.RC.M” refers to the “vertical open, remote condensing.”

(b)  V is the volume of the case (ft3) as measured in AHRI Standard 1200, Appendix C.

(c)   TDA is the total display area of the case (ft2) as measured in AHRI Standard 1200, Appendix D.

The PRM doesn’t include standard levels of performance for walk-in refrigerators and freezers. COMNET (COMNET 2017) default values for these are given in Table 17. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (4).

$$P_{Walk-in}=(A_{Ref}\cdot PD_{Ref}+N_{Ref}\cdot D_{Ref})+(A_{Frz}\cdot PD_{Frz}+N_{Frz}\cdot D_{Frz})$$




PWalk-in  =   The estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)

Axxx      =   The area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)

Nxxx      =   The number of glass display doors (unitless)

PDxxx    =   The power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from Table 17 (W/ft²)

Dxxx      =   The power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)

xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer (Frz) or refrigerator (Ref)

Table 17. Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)

Floor Area



100 ft² or less



101 ft² to 250 ft²



251 ft² to 450 ft²



451 ft² to 650 ft²



651 ft² to 800 ft²



801 ft² to 1,000 ft²



More than 1,000 ft²



Additional Power for Each Glass Display Door



Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The energy efficiency ratio (EER) is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35°F for refrigerators and -10°F for freezers.


Refrigeration Modeling Method


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display


The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • Modeling Defaults

COMNET defaults. With this method, the methodology described above can be used for modeling walk-in refrigerators and freezers. Schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.

  • Performance rating method. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously.
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or another hourly simulation program with this capability. This method is not covered by this manual.
  • AHRI Rated Energy. Rated energy use in accordance to AHRI 1200.


List (see above)

Input Restrictions

When refrigeration equipment in the proposed design is rated in accordance with AHRI 1200, the rated energy use shall be modeled.

For all other refrigeration equipment shall be modeled using actual equipment capacities and efficiencies using the performance rating method. If actual equipment capacities and efficiencies are not know,  COMNET defaults can be used.

Baseline Building

If refrigeration equipment is listed in Table 15 and Table 16 of this manual, then the baseline building design shall be modeled according to Table 15 and Table 16. For refrigeration equipment not listed in either of these two tables, the baseline building shall be modeled to be the same as the proposed design.


Refrigeration Power


All buildings or spaces that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model


Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.


Kilowatts (kW) or W/ft2

Input Restrictions

With the performance rating method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.

Baseline Building

When the performance rating method is used, refrigeration power for casework shall be determined from Table 15 and Table 16; the power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall be the same as the proposed design.

However, variations of the power requirements, schedules, or control sequences of the refrigeration equipment modeled in the baseline building from those in the proposed design shall be allowed by the rating authority based upon documentation that the refrigeration equipment installed in the proposed design represents a significant verifiable departure from documented conventional practice.

The burden of this documentation is to demonstrate that accepted conventional practice would result in Baseline Building refrigeration equipment different from that installed in the proposed design. Occupancy and occupancy schedules shall not be changed.

NOTE: Any variation between proposed and baseline refrigeration power should be reported for rating authority approval and inspection.


Remote Condenser Fraction


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the DOE performance ratings methods


The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0 and the heat gain fraction to the space through the condenser is zero. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according to refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self-contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the DOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system. Hence, in the scenario where the compressor or compressor rack for the case is separate from the case itself but still within the conditioned zone of the display cases, the remote condenser fraction is zero and all the heat ends up in the zone.  For self contained cases, the heat added to the zone is calculated as shown below,




kW    =   The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the DOE performance rating method (kW)

Qsensible-credit = The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (Btu/h). A positive number means that heat is being removed from the space.  A negative number means heat is being added to the space.


When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters, and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the DOE performance rating method, the heat that is removed from the space, i.e. the Qsensible credit, is determined as follows:


Qsensible-credit = [Qrated * (1-LHRrated) * RTF – (Qrated * Elecratio)] * Lcase



Qsensible-credit = The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (Btu/h). A positive number means that heat is being removed from the space. 

Qrated = case gross rated total refrigeration cooling capacity per unit length (Btu/h)

LHRrated = latent heat ratio of the refrigerated case at rated conditions

RTF = runtime fraction of the refrigerated case

Elecratio = Ratio of cooling capacity required due to cooling load associated with use of lights, fans, anti-sweat heaters divided by Qrated. Depending on case design, not all electric power per unit length may contribute to cooling load.

Lcase = length of the case, ft

Use manufacturer data where available. If unavailable, use the defaults below. Note: these defaults are based on data from a single manuafcturer.


Average Ratio of Elec Input to Total BTUH

Average Ratio of Latent Heat to Total BTUH

Average Calculated RTF (runtime fraction of the refrigerated case)



































































































Input Restrictions


Baseline Building

Same as the proposed design


Refrigeration COP


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the DOE performance ratings methods


The coefficient of performance (COP) of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.



Input Restrictions

This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers

Baseline Building

Same as the proposed design


Refrigeration Schedule


All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display


The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.


Data structure: schedule, fractional

Input Restrictions

Continuous operation is prescribed

Baseline Building

Same as the proposed design

Building EQ

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

The 2008 California energy efficiency standards include refrigerated warehouses for the first time and there are plans to include walk-in refrigerators and freezers in the next update for 2011. ASHRAE has expanded the scope for Standard 90.1 to include more process energy, including commercial refrigeration. The building energy efficiency standards generally do not address commercial refrigeration, however, a recent USDOE standard scheduled to become effective in 2012 does address some of the equipment.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"] shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework.

[table title="USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)" id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]

Table I-1- Standard Levels For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Equipment class 2 Standard level * **
Equipment class Standard level * **
VOP.RC.M 0.82 x TDA + 4.07 VCT.RC.I 0.66 x TDA + 3.05
SVO.RC.M 0.83 x TDA + 3.18 HCT.RC.M 0.16 x TDA + 0.13
HZO.RC.M 0.35 x TDA + 2.88 HCT.RC.L 0.34 x TDA + 0.26
VOP.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 HCT.RC.I 0.4 x TDA + 0.31
HZO.RC.L 0.57 x TDA + 6.88 VCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VCT.RC.M 0.22 x TDA + 1.95 VCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
VCT.RC.L 0.56 x TDA + 2.61 VCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
SOC.RC.M 0.51 x TDA + 0.11 HCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VOP.SC.M 1.74 x TDA + 4.71 HCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
SVO.SC.M 1.73 x TDA + 4.59 HCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
HZO.SC.M 0.77 x TDA + 5.55 SOC.RC.L 1.08 x TDA + 0.22
HZO.SC.L 1.92 x TDA + 7.08 SOC.RC.I 1.26 x TDA + 0.26
VCT.SC.I 0.67 x TDA + 3.29 VOP.SC.L 4.37 x TDA + 11.82
VCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88 VOP.SC.I 5.55 x TDA + 15.02
HCT.SC.I 0.56 x TDA + 0.43 SVO.SC.L 4.34 x TDA + 11.51
SVO.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 SVO.SC.I 5.52 x TDA + 14.63
VOP.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 HZO.SC.I 2.44 x TDA + 9.
SVO.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 SOC.SC.I 1.76 x TDA + 0.36
HZO.RC.I 0.72 x TDA + 8.74 HCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88

*TDA is the total display area of the case, as measured in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 1200-2006, Appendix D.

** V is the volume of the case, as measured in ARI Standard 1200-2006, Appendix C.

***Kilowatt hours per day.

2For this rulemaking, equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of : (1) An equipment family code (VOP=vertical open, SVO=semivertical open, HZO=horizontal open, VCT=vertical transparent doors, VCS=vertical solid doors, HCT=horizontal transparent doors, HCS=horizontal solid doors, or SOC=service over counter); (2) an operating mode code (RC=remote condensing or SC=self contained); and (3) a rating temperature code (M=medium temperature (38º F), L=low temperature (0ºF), or I=ice-cream temperature (-15ºF)). For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature" equipment class. See discussion in section V.A.2 and chapter 3 of the TSD, market and technology assessment, for a more detailed explanation of the equipment class terminology. See table IV-2 for a list of the equipment classes by category.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (6.4.6-1).


$$ P_{Walk-in} = \left ( A_{Ref} \cdot PD_{Ref} + N_{Ref} \cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz} \cdot PD_{Frz} + N_{Frz} \cdot D_{Frz} \right ) $$


PWalk-in is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)
Axxx the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)
Nxxx the number of glass display doors (unitless)
PDxxx the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"] (W/ft²)
Dxxx the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)
xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

[table title="Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)" id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]
Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area Refrigerator Freezer
100 ft²  or less 8.0 16.0
101 ft² to 250 ft² 6.0 12.0
251 ft² to 450 ft² 5.0 9.5
451 ft² to 650 ft² 4.5 8.0
651 ft² to 800 ft² 4.0 7.0
801 ft² to 1,000 ft² 3.5 6.5
More than 1,000 ft² 3.0 6.0
Additional Power for each Glass Display Door 105 325
Refrigeration Modeling Method
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display

The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B, Table 61 are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation (6.4.6-1) and the values from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.

Units List (see above)
Input Restrictions None
Refrigeration Power
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model
Definition Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.
Units Kilowatts (kW)
Input Restrictions With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B, Table 6 are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.
Remote Condenser Fraction
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods

The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:


$$ Q = \Big [ \left ( 1 - F \right ) \times kW - \left ( F \times kW \times COP \right ) \Big ] \times 3.413 $$Where

Q The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.

The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)
F The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)
COP The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.

Units Fraction
Input Restrictions None
Refrigeration COP
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods
Definition The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.
Units Fraction
Input Restrictions This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3
Refrigeration Schedule
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display
Definition The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions Continuous operation is prescribed.
  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.
Energy Star

Commercial refrigeration equipment includes the following:

  • Walk-in refrigerators
  • Walk-in freezers
  • Refrigerated casework

The 2008 California energy efficiency standards include refrigerated warehouses for the first time and there are plans to include walk-in refrigerators and freezers in the next update for 2011. ASHRAE has expanded the scope for Standard 90.1 to include more process energy, including commercial refrigeration. The building energy efficiency standards generally do not address commercial refrigeration, however, a recent USDOE standard scheduled to become effective in 2012 does address some of the equipment.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers typically have remote condensers. Some refrigerated casework has remote condensers, while some have a self-contained condenser built into the unit. Refrigerated casework with built-in condensers reject heat directly to the space while remote condensers reject heat in the remote location, typically on the roof or behind the building.

Refrigerated casework can be further classified by the purpose, the type of doors and, when there are no doors, the configuration: horizontal, vertical or semi-vertical. USDOE has developed standards for refrigerated casework. [bookref id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"] shows these classifications along with the standard level of performance, expressed in kWh/d, which depends on the class of equipment, the total display area, and the volume of the casework.

[table title="USDOE Requirements for Refrigerated Casework (kWh/d)" id="USDOE-requirements-for-refrigerated-casework-(kWh/d)"]

Table I-1- Standard Levels For Commercial Refrigeration Equipment

Equipment class 2 Standard level * **
Equipment class Standard level * **
VOP.RC.M 0.82 x TDA + 4.07 VCT.RC.I 0.66 x TDA + 3.05
SVO.RC.M 0.83 x TDA + 3.18 HCT.RC.M 0.16 x TDA + 0.13
HZO.RC.M 0.35 x TDA + 2.88 HCT.RC.L 0.34 x TDA + 0.26
VOP.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 HCT.RC.I 0.4 x TDA + 0.31
HZO.RC.L 0.57 x TDA + 6.88 VCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VCT.RC.M 0.22 x TDA + 1.95 VCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
VCT.RC.L 0.56 x TDA + 2.61 VCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
SOC.RC.M 0.51 x TDA + 0.11 HCS.RC.M 0.11 x V + 0.26
VOP.SC.M 1.74 x TDA + 4.71 HCS.RC.L 0.23 x V + 0.54
SVO.SC.M 1.73 x TDA + 4.59 HCS.RC.I 0.27 x V + 0.63
HZO.SC.M 0.77 x TDA + 5.55 SOC.RC.L 1.08 x TDA + 0.22
HZO.SC.L 1.92 x TDA + 7.08 SOC.RC.I 1.26 x TDA + 0.26
VCT.SC.I 0.67 x TDA + 3.29 VOP.SC.L 4.37 x TDA + 11.82
VCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88 VOP.SC.I 5.55 x TDA + 15.02
HCT.SC.I 0.56 x TDA + 0.43 SVO.SC.L 4.34 x TDA + 11.51
SVO.RC.L 2.27 x TDA + 6.85 SVO.SC.I 5.52 x TDA + 14.63
VOP.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 HZO.SC.I 2.44 x TDA + 9.
SVO.RC.I 2.89 x TDA + 8.7 SOC.SC.I 1.76 x TDA + 0.36
HZO.RC.I 0.72 x TDA + 8.74 HCS.SC.I 0.38 x V + 0.88

*TDA is the total display area of the case, as measured in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 1200-2006, Appendix D.

** V is the volume of the case, as measured in ARI Standard 1200-2006, Appendix C.

***Kilowatt hours per day.

2For this rulemaking, equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of : (1) An equipment family code (VOP=vertical open, SVO=semivertical open, HZO=horizontal open, VCT=vertical transparent doors, VCS=vertical solid doors, HCT=horizontal transparent doors, HCS=horizontal solid doors, or SOC=service over counter); (2) an operating mode code (RC=remote condensing or SC=self contained); and (3) a rating temperature code (M=medium temperature (38º F), L=low temperature (0ºF), or I=ice-cream temperature (-15ºF)). For example, "VOP.RC.M" refers to the "vertical open, remote condensing, medium temperature" equipment class. See discussion in section V.A.2 and chapter 3 of the TSD, market and technology assessment, for a more detailed explanation of the equipment class terminology. See table IV-2 for a list of the equipment classes by category.

Walk-in refrigerators and freezers are not covered by the USDOE standards and test procedures. COMNET default values for these are given in [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. These values are expressed in W/ft² of refrigerator or freezer area. This power is assumed to occur continuously. Some walk-ins have glass display doors on one side so that products can be loaded from the back. Glass display doors increase the power requirements of walk-ins. Additional power is added when glass display doors are present. The total power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is given in Equation (6.4.6-1).


$$ P_{Walk-in} = \left ( A_{Ref} \cdot PD_{Ref} + N_{Ref} \cdot D_{Ref} \right )+\left ( A_{Frz} \cdot PD_{Frz} + N_{Frz} \cdot D_{Frz} \right ) $$


PWalk-in is the estimated power density for the walk-in refrigerator or freezer in (W)
Axxx the area of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer (ft²)
Nxxx the number of glass display doors (unitless)
PDxxx the power density of the walk-in refrigerator or freezer taken from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"] (W/ft²)
Dxxx the power associated with a glass display door for a walk-in refrigerator or freezer (W/door)
xxx subscript indicating a walk-in freezer or refrigerator (Ref or Frz)

[table title="Default Power for Walk-In Refrigerators and Freezers (W/ft²)" id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]
Source: These values are determined using the procedures of the Heatcraft Engineering Manual, Commercial Refrigeration Cooling and Freezing Load Calculations and Reference Guide, August 2006. The EER is assumed to be 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for Freezers. The specific efficiency is assumed to be 70 for refrigerators and 50 for freezers. Operating temperature is assumed to be 35 F for refrigerators and -10 F for freezers.

Floor  Area Refrigerator Freezer
100 ft²  or less 8.0 16.0
101 ft² to 250 ft² 6.0 12.0
251 ft² to 450 ft² 5.0 9.5
451 ft² to 650 ft² 4.5 8.0
651 ft² to 800 ft² 4.0 7.0
801 ft² to 1,000 ft² 3.5 6.5
More than 1,000 ft² 3.0 6.0
Additional Power for each Glass Display Door 105 325
Refrigeration Modeling Method
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display

The method used to estimate refrigeration energy and to model the thermal interaction with the space where casework is located. Three methods are included in this manual:

  • COMNET defaults. With this method, the power density values provided in Appendix B, Table 61 are used; schedules are assumed to be continuous operation.
  • USDOE performance ratings. With this method, the energy modeler takes inventory of the refrigerated casework in the rated building and sums the rated energy use (typically in kWh/day). Walk-in refrigerators and freezers shall use the defaults from Equation (6.4.6-1) and the values from [bookref id="default-power-for-walk-in-refrigerators-and-freezers-(W/ft²)"]. All refrigeration equipment is then assumed to operate continuously. 
  • Explicit refrigeration model. With this method, all components of the refrigeration system are explicitly modeled in DOE-2.2R or other hourly simulation program with this capability.2  

The remaining building descriptors in this section apply to buildings that use either the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings.

Units List (see above)
Input Restrictions None
Refrigeration Power
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and do not use the explicit refrigeration model
Definition Commercial refrigeration power is the average power for all commercial refrigeration equipment, assuming constant year-round operation. Equipment includes walk-in refrigerators and freezers, open refrigerated casework, and closed refrigerated casework. It does not include residential type refrigerators used in kitchenettes or refrigerated vending machines. These are covered under receptacle power.
Units Kilowatts (kW)
Input Restrictions With the COMNET defaults method, the values in Appendix B, Table 6 are prescribed. These values are multiplied times the floor area of the rated building to estimate the refrigeration power. With the USDOE performance ratings method, refrigeration power is estimated by summing the kWh/day for all the refrigeration equipment in the space and dividing by 24 hours. The refrigeration power for walk-in refrigerators and freezers is added to this value.
Remote Condenser Fraction
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods

The fraction of condenser heat that is rejected to the outdoors. For self-contained refrigeration casework, this value will be zero. For remote condenser systems, this value is 1.0. For combination systems, the value should be weighted according refrigeration capacity.

For refrigeration with self contained condensers and compressors, the heat that is removed from the space is equal to the heat that is rejected to the space, since the evaporator and condenser are both located in the same space. There may be some latent cooling associated with operation of the equipment, but this may be ignored with the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods. The operation of self-contained refrigeration units may be approximated by adding a continuously operating electric load to the space that is equal to the energy consumption of the refrigeration units. Self-contained refrigeration units add heat to the space that must be removed by the HVAC system.

When the condenser is remotely located, heat is removed from the space but rejected outdoors. In this case, the refrigeration equipment functions in a manner similar to a continuously running split system air conditioner. Some heat is added to the space for the evaporator fan, the anti-fog heaters and other auxiliary energy uses, but refrigeration systems with remote condensers remove more heat from the space where they are located than they add. The HVAC system must compensate for this imbalance.

For remotely located condensers using the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods, the heat that is removed from the space is determined as follows:


$$ Q = \Big [ \left ( 1 - F \right ) \times kW - \left ( F \times kW \times COP \right ) \Big ] \times 3.413 $$Where

Q The rate of heat removal from the space due to the continuous operation of the refrigeration system (kBtu/h). A negative number means that heat is being removed from the space; a positive number means that heat is being added.

The power of the refrigeration system determined by using the COMNET defaults or the USDOE performance ratings method (kW)
F The remote condenser fraction (see building descriptor below) (unitless)
COP The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system (unitless)

The simple approach outlined above assumes that there is no latent cooling associated with the refrigeration system. The heat addition or removal resulting from the above equation can be modeled in a number of ways, to accommodate the variety of calculation engines available. It can be scheduled if the engine can accommodate a heat removal schedule. It can be modeled as a separate, constantly running air conditioner, if the engine can accommodate two cooling systems serving the same thermal block. Other modeling techniques are acceptable as long as they are thermodynamically equivalent.

Units Fraction
Input Restrictions None
Refrigeration COP
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display and use the COMNET defaults or USDOE performance ratings methods
Definition The coefficient of performance of the refrigeration system. This is used only to determine the heat removed or added to the space, not to determine the refrigeration power or energy.
Units Fraction
Input Restrictions This value is prescribed to be 3.6 for refrigerators and 1.8 for freezers.3
Refrigeration Schedule
Applicability All buildings that have commercial refrigeration for cold storage or display
Definition The schedule of operation for commercial refrigeration equipment. This is used to convert refrigeration power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions Continuous operation is prescribed.
  • 1See Table C-43, p. 146 of NREL/TP-550-41956, Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, Appendix C, March 2008. The values in this report were taken from Table 8-3 of the California Commercial End-Use Survey, Consultants Report, March 2006, CEC-400-2006-005
  • 2Direct modeling of refrigeration equipment in buildings is not broadly supported by energy simulation programs. The simulation program that is used in most energy analysis of refrigeration equipment is DOE-2.2R, which is a proprietary and limited release version of the DOE-2.2 simulation engine used by EQuest. EnergyPlus also has refrigeration modeling capabilities. These software applications allow the user to define the configuration of equipment and to specify the performance characteristics of each piece of equipment. These applications can also account for the interaction of the equipment with the temperature and humidity of the space where it is located. The complexity and variation of input for these models makes it very difficult to specify baseline conditions. For this reason, credit for efficient refrigeration systems is not offered in COMNET Phase I when explicit refrigeration models are used.
  • 3These values are consistent with the assumptions for the default values for walk-ins, which assume an EER of 12.39 for refrigerators and 6.33 for freezers.