Receptacle and process loads contribute to heat gains in spaces and directly use energy.
Receptacle Power (except multi-family residential) |
Applicability |
All building projects except multi-family residential |
Definition |
Receptacle power includes computers, monitors, printers, copiers, vending machines, residential size refrigerators, personal space heaters and other equipment loads normally served through conventional electrical receptacles. Small servers are included with receptacle power, but large data centers are generally modeled separately. As a rule-of-thumb, if the servers are in a room with a dedicated HVAC system, they should be modeled separately. Receptacle power does not include task lighting, equipment used for HVAC purposes, open or closed refrigeration cases, walk-in freezers and refrigerators, elevators, and commercial cooking equipment. These loads should be modeled separately. See Sections 6.4.6, 6.4.7 and 6.4.8 for guidelines and requirements on how to model these process loads. Receptacle power is specified at the space level and is modified by the receptacle schedule. Values in the default receptacle schedules for each hour approach but do not exceed 1.0 (see Appendix C). Receptacle power is generally considered an unregulated load and is treated as a neutral dependent input; no credit has been offered for savings. Identical assumptions are made for both the baseline building and the proposed design. Offering credit for receptacle loads is difficult due to their temporal nature and because information is not always available on what equipment will go into the building at the time the plans are being reviewed. Tenants also have the ability to plug and unplug devices or switch them out for different equipment, adding to the difficulty of assigning credit for promised energy efficiency. COMNET provides a procedure for crediting plug load reductions for building owners and/or managers who are willing to make a long-term commitment to purchase ENERGY STAR equipment. |
Units |
Total power (W) for the space or power density (W/ft²) |
Input Restrictions |
Receptacle loads in the proposed design may be calculated in one of three ways:. The first method is neutral independent, the second method is neutral dependent, and the third method treats equipment that result in receptacle loads as an asset and credit may be taken for power reductions from surveyed devices. The three methods are as follows: 1. The COMNET recommended defaults from Appendix B may be used, in which case the same values are used for the baseline building and there is no credit for reductions in the proposed design. 2. If detailed information is known, the receptacle power can be calculated using Equations 3.4.5-1 and 3.4.5-2. In this instance, the energy analyst must be able to estimate the number of personal computers, the number of printers and the number of other equipment in the space, as listed in Table 3.4.5-1. If detailed information is not available, then Method 1 must be used. With Method 2, “Baseline” power from Table 3.4.5-1 shall be used for both the baseline building and the proposed design. 3. If detailed information is known and the owner/property manager is willing to make a long term commitment to require ENERGY STAR equipment throughout the building, then Method 3 may be used. Method 3 is the same as Method 2, except that the proposed design may use reduced equipment power for surveyed devices from Table 3.4.5-1 based on the ‘Length of ENERGY STAR Commitment’. |
Baseline Rules |
With Methods 1 and 2, the receptacle power in the baseline building shall be the same as the proposed design. With Method 3, the ‘Baseline’ equipment values from Table 3.4.5-1 are used with Equations 6.4.5-1 and 6.4.5-2 to determine the equipment power for the baseline building. |
Requirements for Long Term Commitment |
One of the largest hurdles is establishing accountability for receptacle load reductions; savings must be verified and credible. A commitment to future good behavior must be documented appropriately, either in leasing language, within corporate or governmental resolutions, or in tenant manuals to ensure that ENERGY STAR equipment will be used not only initially but also for future replacements. The inability to verify long term commitments is one of the obstacles to offering credits for plug load reductions, since the equipment that makes up receptacle loads is short lived and generally replaced within a 3-5 year timeframe. |
Equations for Estimating Receptacle Loads (Methods 2 and 3) |
This procedure provides a means for more accurately estimating plug loads (Method 2) and for taking credit for energy reductions when the owner is willing to initially install all ENERGY STAR equipment and make a long term commitment to purchase ENERGY STAR equipment for replacements and additions (Method 3). COMNET Methods 2 and 3 are based on procedures developed by NREL1 which estimate receptacle and process power density based on a count of computers, printers and other equipment in the space (surveyed equipment). The procedure is shown in Equations 3.4.5-1 and 3.4.5-2. (Equation 3.4.5-1) $$P=\left ( C_{sd}\cdot PD_{sd}+PD{_{misc}} \right )$$ where P is the estimated power density for the space in W/ft². PDsd is an estimate of receptacle power from personal computers, monitors, servers, printers and other “surveyed devices” determined from Equation (3.4.5-2). Units are W/ft². PDmisc is an estimate from Appendix B of miscellaneous receptacle power for equipment not specifically accounted for in PDsd. This value depends on the occupancy of the space. Csd, is an adjustment coefficient from Appendix B based on the occupancy of the space. This coefficient along with PDmisc accounts for equipment that is not included among the “surveyed devices”. Csd scales the equipment power of “surveyed devices”, while PDmisc is a constant. d is a diversity factor from Appendix B based on the occupancy of the space. (Equation 3.4.5-2) $$PD_{sd}=\frac{\begin{bmatrix} where Nxx is the number of devices in the proposed design for the “xx” surveyed device in question. See Table 3.4.5-1 for a list of surveyed devices to be included. Pxx is the nominal mean power from Table 3.4.5-1 for the “xx” surveyed device in question. Area is the area of the space in ft². Credit is limited to equipment listed in Table 3.4.5-1 where the ENERGY STAR program applies, including PCs, monitors, copiers, laser and inkjet printers, vending machines, and refrigerators. No credit is offered for equipment not listed in Table 3.4.5-1. 1. Griffith, B, et. al., Methodology for Modeling Building Energy Performance across the Commercial Sector, Technical Report, (NREL/TP-550-41956, March 2008, Appendix C, Section C.14. Note that elevators and escalators have been removed from the NREL equation, since they are treated separately. |
Table 3.4.5-1: Nominal Mean Power for Surveyed Devices
Source: See 150928 Plug Loads Calcs TSD.pdf
Subscript |
Description |
Baseline |
Length of ENERGY STAR Commitment |
5 y |
10 y |
15 y |
20 y |
30 y |
PCdt |
Desktop Computer |
65 |
58 |
52 |
47 |
43 |
37 |
PCnb |
Notebook Computer |
25 |
22 |
20 |
18 |
17 |
15 |
Mon |
Monitor |
30 |
28 |
26 |
25 |
24 |
23 |
Svr |
Server |
524 |
524 |
524 |
524 |
524 |
524 |
Point of Sale Device |
48 |
48 |
48 |
48 |
48 |
48 |
PRNTlas |
Printer Laser |
110 |
102 |
96 |
91 |
87 |
81 |
PRNTink |
Printer Inkjet |
25 |
22 |
19 |
17 |
16 |
13 |
Copy |
Copy Machine |
372 |
365 |
360 |
356 |
352 |
347 |
Fax |
Fax Machine |
55 |
51 |
47 |
44 |
42 |
39 |
Refrig |
Residential Refrigerator |
350 |
332 |
317 |
304 |
294 |
280 |
Vend |
Vending Machine |
400 |
363 |
333 |
308 |
288 |
259 |
Receptacle Power Multi-Family Residential |
Applicability |
Multi-family residential building projects |
Definition |
For multi-family projects, receptacle power includes the refrigerator, cooking equipment, clothes washer, clothes dryer and other major appliances. Receptacle power is specified at the space level and is modified by the receptacle schedule. Values in the default receptacle schedules for each hour approach but do not exceed 1.0 (see Appendix C). Much receptacle power in residences is considered unregulated load and is modeled as a neutral independent input; no credit is offered for savings. Identical assumptions are made for both the baseline building and the proposed design. However for refrigerators and clothes washers, the modeling assumptions for the proposed building can differ from the baseline building when ENERGY STAR complying equipment is used in the proposed design. |
Units |
Total power (W) for the space or power density (W/ft²) |
Input Restrictions |
Receptacle loads in the proposed design shall be calculated on the basis of: the number of dwelling units, the number of bedrooms, the floor area, and the use of ENERGY STAR appliances. Credit for ENERGY STAR appliances applies only to refrigerators and clothes washers. Other equipment energy use is neutral independent. Lobbies, corridors and other common spaces shall determine plug and process electrical loads using the general procedure for nonresidential buildings. |
Baseline Rules |
The receptacle power in the baseline building shall be determined using the same method (see below) as the proposed design, but conventional equipment shall be assumed for the refrigerator and clothes washer. |
Procedure for Estimating Receptacle Power |
Receptacle loads in the proposed design may be calculated in one of two ways:1 . The first simplified method may be used when each dwelling unit has its own clothes washer and dryer and all of the dwelling units use either electricity or gas for cooking and clothes drying. The second method is more flexible and must be used when some dwelling units have in-unit washers and dryers and some do not, or when some of the dwelling units use gas while others use electricity. The two methods are as follows: Method OneThe annual electric energy for dwelling units in the multi-family building is given by equation 3.4.5-3 below: (Equation 3.4.5-3) $$ kWh_{total} = NmbrDU \cdot a + NmbrBR \cdot b + FlrArea \cdot c $$ where kWhtotal the total annual electrical receptacle energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) NmbrDU number of dwelling units in the multi-family building NmbrBR number of bedrooms in the multi-family building (efficiency apartments count as one) FlrArea finished floor area for all dwelling units. a, b, and c coefficients taken from Table 3.4.5-2 Table 3.4.5-2: Annual Residential Energy Use - Method OneNote: Use values in parenthesis when all the dwelling units have ENERGY STAR refrigerators and clothes washers.
Once kWhtotal is determined, it is converted to power by dividing by the number of full-time equivalent hours used in the receptacle schedule and by adjusting units. This step is shown in equation 3.4.5-4. . (Equation 3.4.5-4) $$Power (W/ft2) = \frac{kWh_{total} \cdot 1,000}{FTEhours}$$ where FTEhours full-time equivalent hours used in the receptacle schedule. The default value from Appendix C is 5,840 hours (hours) Method TwoMethod Two can be used under any conditions, but is required when some or all of the clothes washers and/or dryers are located in common areas or when some of the dwelling units have gas for cooking and or drying clothes while other units use electricity. The annual electricity use is given in equations 3.4.5-5 through 3.4.5-10: (Equation 3.4.5-5) $$kWh_{total}=kWh_{ref}+kWh_{cths}+kWh_{cook}+kWh_{dry}+kWh_{misc}$$ (Equation 3.4.5-6) $$kWh_{ref} = NmbrDU_{E*} \cdot 423 + NmbrDU_{conv} \cdot 529$$ (Equation 3.4.5-7) $$\begin{align} kWh_{du,cths} = & NmbrCW_{du,E*} \cdot 57 + NmbrCW_{du,conv} \cdot 81 + \\ & NmbrCW_{com,E*} \cdot 138 + NmbrCW_{com,conv} \cdot 196 \end{align} $$ (Equation 3.4.5-8) $$kWh_{cook} = NmbrDU_{EC} \cdot 604$$ (Equation 3.4.5-9) $$\begin{align} kWh_{dry} = & NmbrDry_{du,elec} \cdot 418 + NmbrBR_{du,elec} \cdot 139 + \\ & NmbrDry_{com,elec} \cdot 1013 + NmbrBR_{com,elec} \cdot 337 + \\ & NmbrDry_{du,gas} \cdot 38 + NmbrBR_{du,gas} \cdot 12.7+ \\ & NmbrDry_{com,gas} \cdot 92.1 + NmbrBR_{com,gas} \cdot 30.8 \end{align}$$ (Equation 3.4.5-10) $$kWh_{misc} = FlrArea \cdot 1.05$$ where kWhtotal the total annual electrical receptacle energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) kWhref the annual refrigerator energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) kWhcths the annual clothes washer energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) kWhcook the annual cooking energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) kWhdry the annual clothes dryer energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) kWhmisc the annual miscellaneous energy for the multi-family building (kWh/y) NmbrDUE* number of dwelling units with ENERGY STAR refrigerator NmbrDUconv number of dwelling units with conventional refrigerator NmbrCWdu,E* number of ENERGY STAR clothes washers located in dwelling units NmbrCWcom,E* number of ENERGY STAR clothes washers located in common areas NmbrCWdu,conv number of conventional clothes washers located in dwelling units NmbrCWcom,conv number of conventional clothes washers located in common areas NmbrDUEC number of dwelling units with electric cooking NmbrDrydu,elec number of electric clothes dryers in dwelling units NmbrDrycom,elec number of electric clothes dryers in common areas NmbrDrydu,gas number of gas clothes dryers in dwelling units NmbrDrydu,gas number of gas dryers in common areas NmbrBRdu,elec number of bedrooms served by electric clothes dryers in dwelling units NmbrBRcom,elec number of bedrooms served by electric clothes dryers in common areas NmbrBRdu,gas number of bedrooms served by gas clothes dryers in dwelling units NmbrBRcom,gas number of bedrooms served by gas clothes dryers in common areas FlrArea finished floor area for all dwelling units. Once kWhtotal is calculated, it is converted to power by dividing by the full-time equivalent (FTE) hours in the schedule of operation and adjusting the units. See equation 3.4.5-4. |
Table 3.4.5-3: Annual Residential Energy Use
Annual Energy Use |
Load Fraction |
Per Unit |
Per BR |
Per Area |
Sensible |
Latent |
Electricity in Dwelling Unit (kWh/y) |
Refrigeratora |
529 (423) |
0 |
0 |
1.00 |
0.00 |
Clothes washera |
81 (57) |
0 |
0 |
0.60 |
0.15 |
Cooking |
604 |
0 |
0 |
0.40 |
0.30 |
Clothes dryer (electric) |
418 |
139 |
0 |
0.15 |
0.05 |
Clothes dryer (gas) |
38.0 |
12.7 |
0 |
1.00 |
0.00 |
Miscellaneous |
0 |
0 |
1.05 |
0.90 |
0.10 |
Electricity in Common Space Laundry (kWh/y) |
Clothes washer |
196 (138) |
0 |
0 |
0.60 |
0.15 |
Clothes dryer (electric) |
1013 |
337 |
0 |
0.15 |
0.05 |
Clothes dryer (gas) |
92.1 |
30.8 |
0 |
1.00 |
0.00 |
Gas in Dwelling Unit (therms/y)b |
Cooking |
45 |
0 |
0 |
0.40 |
0.30 |
Clothes dryer |
26.5 |
8.8 |
0 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
Gas in Common Laundry Space (therms/y)b |
Clothes dryer |
64.2 |
21.3 |
0 |
0.10 |
0.05 |
a. Values in parenthesis are to be used for ENERGY STAR equipment in the proposed design
b. Gas in residential dwelling units is addressed in section 3.4.8.
Receptacle Schedule |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
Schedule for receptacle power loads used to adjust the intensity on an hourly basis to reflect time-dependent patterns of usage. |
Units |
Data structure: schedule, fraction |
Input Restrictions |
The default schedule is taken from Tables 1 through 11 of Appendix C. |
Baseline Rules |
Schedules for the baseline building shall be identical to the proposed design. |
- 1Both methods are developed from information contained in the ENERGY STAR Multi-Family Highrise Simulation Guidelines, Version 1.0, Revision 03, January 2015, pages 23-35.
Receptacle loads contribute to heat gains in spaces and directly use energy.
Receptacle Power |
Applicability |
All building projects |
Definition |
Receptacle power is power for typical general service loads in the building. Receptacle power includes equipment loads normally served through electrical receptacles, such as office equipment and printers, but does not include either task lighting or equipment used for HVAC purposes. Receptacle power values are generally higher than the largest hourly receptacle load that is actually modeled because the receptacle power values are modified by the receptacle schedule, which approaches but does not exceed 1.0. The equipment plugged into receptacles are considered unregulated loads, hence no credit is given for improvements to the efficiency of that equipment, when the PRM is used for compliance with the standard. However, when quantifying performance that exceeds the requirements of Standard 90.1, credit for reductions in receptacle power may be granted as described below under Baseline Building. Control of those receptacles is regulated by Standard 90.1 and that is discussed in descriptor Automatic Receptacle Control. |
Units |
Total power (W) for the space or power density (W/ft²) Software shall also use the prescribed values below to specify the latent heat gain fraction and the radiative/convective heat gain split. For software that specifies the fraction of the heat gain that is lost from the space, this fraction shall be prescribed at 0 unless the equipment is located under an exhaust hood. |
Input Restrictions |
Receptacle and process loads, such as those for office and other equipment, shall be estimated based on the building type or space type category. These loads shall be included in simulations of the building and shall be included when calculating the baseline building performance and proposed building performance. For Standard 90.1-2019, receptacle loads in the proposed design may be calculated in one of two ways:
Baseline Building |
The receptacle power and process loads in the baseline building shall be the same as the proposed design. However, when quantifying performance that exceeds the requirements of Standard 90.1 (but not when using the Performance Rating as an alternative path for minimum standard compliance ), with approval of the rating authority, variations of the power requirements, schedules, or control sequences of the equipment modeled in the baseline building from those in the proposed design shall be allowed by the rating authority based upon documentation that the equipment installed in the proposed design represents a significant verifiable departure from documented conventional practice. In such bases, the baseline shall be determined based on prescriptive requirements in Standard 90.1-2019. When no such prescriptive requirements exisit, it shall be equal to requirements of other efficiency or equipment codes or standards applicable to the design of the building systems and equipment. The burden of this documentation is to demonstrate that accepted conventional practice would result in baseline building equipment different from that installed in the proposed design. If baseline building plug loads differ from the proposed building, this input must be flagged and instructions given to provide the proper documentation. |
Receptacle Heat Gain Fraction |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
The electrical input to the equipment ultimately appears as heat that contributes to zone loads. This heat can be divided into four different fractions. These are given by the input fields:
The sum of all 4 of these fractions should be 1. |
Units |
Data structure: fraction |
Input Restrictions |
As designed. If not specified by the user, default values for receptacle power heat gain fractions will be used. Radiative = 0.20, Latent = 0.00, Convective = 0.80, Lost =0.00 |
Baseline Building |
Same as proposed |
Receptacle Schedule |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
Schedule for receptacle power loads used to adjust the intensity hourly to reflect time-dependent patterns of usage. These schedules are assumed to reflect the mandatory automatic receptacle control requirements. |
Units |
Data structure: schedule, fraction |
Input Restrictions |
Actual schedules shall be used when known. Default schedules documented in COMNET Appendix C (COMNET 2017) can be used when design schedules are not available. |
Baseline Building |
Schedules for the baseline building shall be identical to those for the proposed design except when-
Computer Room Equipment Schedule |
Applicability |
All projects with computer rooms |
Definition |
Schedule for computer room equipment loads used to adjust the intensity hourly to reflect time-dependent patterns of usage. Standard 90.1-2019 requires the use of a randomized schedule for computer rooms. The randomized computer room equipment schedule is intended to capture part load system performance in the proposed and base case models. While it is not realistic to have computer room loads vary drastically month to month, it is common for loads to vary gradually over months or years. The schedule shown here captures this effect in a single annual simulation. It also allows the various load conditions to be simulated under the various weather conditions. |
Units |
Data structure: schedule, fraction |
Input Restrictions |
Computer room equipment schedules shall be modeled as a constant fraction of the peak design load per the following monthly schedule: Month 1, 5, 9—25% Month 2, 6, 10—50% Month 3, 7, 11—75% Month 4, 8, 12—100% |
Baseline Building |
Same as proposed |
Automatic Receptacle Control |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
Automatic receptacle controls include devices that control receptacles based on time of day, occupancy sensors or a central control signal based on occupancy as required by Standard 90.1-2019, Section 8.4.2 requires that 50% of all applicable receptacle and 25% of applicable branch circuit feeders to be controlled using automatic receptacle controls which function on either: a. A scheduled basis using a time-of-day operated control device that turns receptacles off at specific programmed times. This shall be provided for controlled areas of no more than 5000 ft2 and not more than one floor (the occupant shall be able to manually override the control device for up to two hours); b. An occupant sensor that shall turn receptacles off within 20 minutes of all occupants leaving a space; or c. An automated signal from another control or alarm system that shall turn receptacles off within 20 minutes after determining that the area is unoccupied. All controlled receptacles should be uniformly distributed throughout the space. Plug-in controls devices cannot be used to comply with these requirements Exceptions to this requirement include: a. Receptacles specifically designated for equipment requiring continuous operation (24/day, 365 days/year). b. Spaces where an automatic control would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupants. |
Units |
No units |
Input Restrictions |
As designed. For each space in the proposed building indicate which receptacle control strategies from the list above are included and the percentage of receptacles that are controlled. . When receptacle controls are installed in spaces not required by Standard 90.1-2019 Section 8.4.2, credit for receptacle controls in the proposed design can be taken by decreasing the receptacle schedule in the proposed building design according to the following. RPC = RC x 10% Hence, the receptacle schedule for each hour for the proposed building = EPSpro = EPSbas x (1- RPC) Where: RPC = Receptacle power credit RC = Percentage of receptacles controlled according to one of the methods described above. EPSbas = Baseline equipment power hourly schedule (fraction) EPSpro = Proposed equipment power hourly schedule (fraction) |
Baseline Building |
Same as proposed before the automatic receptacle control credit is applied |