Assembly Name |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
The name of a construction assembly that describes a roof, wall, or floor assembly. The name generally needs to be unique so it can be referenced precisely by surfaces. |
Units |
Text, unique |
Input Restrictions |
Construction name is a required input. |
Baseline Rules |
Not applicable |
Specification Method |
Applicability |
All projects |
Definition |
The method of describing a construction assembly. The more simple method is to describe the U-factor of the construction assembly which can account for thermal bridging and other factors. However with this method, the time delay of heat transfer through the construction assembly is not accounted for. Generally, with the U-factor method, heat transfer is assumed to occur instantly. The more complex method is to describe the construction assembly as a series of layers, each layer representing a material. With this method, heat transfer is delayed in accord with the thermal mass and other properties of the assembly. |
List: choices are U-factor or Layers |
Input Restrictions |
The layers method shall be used for all constructions except for metal building or similar constructions with negligible thermal mass. |
Baseline Rules |
For each construction, the proposed design specification method shall be used. |
U-factor |
Applicability |
All construction assemblies that are specified by a U-factor |
Definition |
The steady state rate of heat transfer through a construction assembly |
Units |
Btu/h-ft²-°F |
Input Restrictions |
U-factors should be consistent with values in Appendix A of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013. |
Baseline Rules |
Not applicable |
Layers |
Applicability |
All construction assemblies that use the layers method of specification |
Definition |
A structured list of pairs of material names that describe a construction assembly, beginning with exterior finish and progressing through to the interior finish. Material names must be from the standard list (Appendix D) or defined (see above). |
Units |
Data structure: construction assembly |
Input Restrictions |
The user is required to describe all layers in the actual roof assembly and the proposed design will be modeled as input by the user. |
Baseline Rules |
See building descriptors for roofs, walls, and floors. |
3.5.2 Materials
Energy simulation programs commonly define construction assemblies by listing a sequence of material layers that make up the construction assembly. Typical construction assemblies and their respective material layers are defined in Normative Appendix A of Standard 90.1-2019.
Material Name |
Applicability |
When construction assemblies reference materials that are not standard |
Definition |
The name of a construction material used in the exterior envelope of the building |
Units |
Text, unique |
Input Restrictions |
Material name is a required input for materials not available from the standard list. The user may not modify entries for predefined materials. |
Baseline Building |
Not applicable |
Density |
Applicability |
All non-standard materials |
Definition |
The density (or mass per unit of volume) of the construction material |
Units |
lb/ft3 |
Input Restrictions |
Density is a required input when non-standard materials are specified as documented in an ASHRAE handbook, a comparably reliable reference, or manufacturers’ literature |
Baseline Building |
Not applicable |
Specific Heat |
Applicability |
All non-standard materials |
Definition |
The specific heat capacity of a material is numerically equal to the quantity of heat that must be supplied to a unit mass of the material to increase its temperature by 1°F |
Units |
Btu/lb·°F |
Input Restrictions |
Specific heat is a required input when non-standard materials are specified. The specific heat capacity of the construction material as documented in an ASHRAE handbook, a comparably reliable reference, or manufacturers’ literature. |
Baseline Building |
Not applicable |
Thermal Conductivity |
Applicability |
All non-standard materials |
Definition |
The thermal conductivity of a material of unit thickness is numerically equal to the quantity of heat that will flow through a unit area of the material when the temperature difference through the material is 1 °F. |
Units |
Btu/h·ft·°F |
Input Restrictions |
Thermal conductivity is a required input for non-standard materials as documented in an ASHRAE handbook, a comparably reliable reference, or manufacturers’ literature. |
Baseline Building |
Not applicable |
Thickness |
Applicability |
All non-standard materials |
Definition |
The thickness of a material |
Units |
ft or in. |
Input Restrictions |
Thickness is a required input for non-standard materials |
Baseline Building |
Not applicable |