This data structure provides information on how equipment, people, lights, or other building items are operated hourly to best represent overall building utilization and availability. The ultimate construct of a schedule is an hourly time series for the simulation period, typically 8,760 hours (365 days, 24 hours per day). However, software has often built up the hourly schedule from 24-hour schedules for different day types: weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, design conditions etc.
There are several types of schedules:
- Temperature schedules specify a temperature to be maintained in a space, a temperature to be delivered from an air handler, or the leaving temperature from a chiller or other equipment.
- Fraction schedules specify the fraction of lights that are on, the fraction of people that are in the space, the fraction of maximum infiltration, lighting controls or other factors.
- On/off schedules specify when equipment is operating, damper operation (open/closed based on occupancy) or when infiltration is occurring.
- Time period schedules define periods of time for equipment sequencing, utility tariffs, etc. A time period schedule typically breaks the year in to two or more seasons. For each season, day types are identified such as weekday, Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. Each day type in each season is then divided into time periods.
- Flag Schedules accept a flag of any value. The flag value must exactly match a comparison criterion for the component to be active. For example for cogeneration systems, a flag schedule could be created to indicate what a cogeneration system should track. A flag value of 1 could mean that the cogen equipment should track electric load, a value of 2 could mean track the thermal load, 3 could mean the lesser of the electric or thermal load, etc.