3.1.1 HVAC System Map


The HVAC system in the baseline building depends on the primary building activity, the number of floors, conditioned floor area and climate zone. Details about these systems are provided in subsequent sections.

For many of the building descriptors there is a one-to-one relationship between the proposed design and the baseline building; for example, every wall in the proposed design has a corresponding wall in the baseline building. However, for HVAC systems, this one-to-one relationship generally does not hold. There may be the different number of HVAC systems serving the proposed design compared to the baseline building, and equipment such as cooling towers, circulation pumps, etc. may be present in the baseline but not proposed design.

The HVAC system in the baseline building shall be selected from Table 3, HVAC System Map, and be based on building type, number of floors, conditioned floor area, and climate zone. The selected system shall conform to the descriptions in Table 4, HVAC System Descriptions.

For systems 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, each thermal zone shall be modeled with its own HVAC system. For systems 5, 6, 7, and 8, each floor shall be modeled with a separate HVAC system. Floors with identical thermal zones can be grouped for modeling purposes.

Table 3. HVAC System Map

Building Type


Baseline Building System Type

Cool Climates
(3b, 3c, and 4-8)

Warm Climates
(0 to 3A)


Any size

System 1 PTAC

System 2 PTHP

Public Assembly

< 120,000 ft²

System 3 PSZ-AC

System 4 PSZ-HP

≥ 120,000 ft²

System 12 SZ-CV-HW

System 13 SZ-CV-ER


Low rise
≤ 2 floors

System 3 PSZ-AC

System 4 PSZ-HP

Other than
low rise

Use “Other Nonresidential”


Not more than 5 floors and not >150,000 ft2

System 5 PVAV with Reheat

System 5 PVAV with Reheat

more than 5 floors or >150,000 ft2

System 7 VAV with Reheat

System 7 VAV with Reheat

Heated-only Storage


System 9- Heating and Ventilation

System 10- Heating and Ventilation

Other Nonresidential

Small, 3 floors or less and <25,000 ft2

System 3 PSZ-AC

System 4 PSZ-HP

Medium, 4 or 5 floors and <25,000 ft2 or 5 floors or less and 25,000 ft2 to 150,000 ft2

System 5 PVAV with Reheat

System 6 PVAV with PFP boxes

Large, more than 5 floors or >150,000 ft2

7 VAV with Reheat

8 VAV with PFP boxes

Building Type Descriptions for Baseline System Definition:

  • Residential

Residential buildings They include, but are not limited to, dwelling units, hotel/motel guest rooms, dormitories, nursing homes, patient rooms in hospitals, lodging houses, fraternity/ sorority houses, hostels, prisons, and fire stations.

  • Public Assembly

Public assembly buildings include houses of worship, auditoriums, movie theaters, performance theaters, concert halls, arenas, enclosed stadiums, ice rinks, gymnasiums, convention centers, exhibition centers, museums, exercise centers and natatoriums

  • Heated Only

This category applies to an entire building with heating only systems in the proposed design, such as warehouses

  • Retail

Retail buildings that are two floors or less must use single-zone packaged equipment. In the baseline building, cooling will always be DX but heating will be dependent upon the climate zone. Retail buildings that are 3 or more stories are included in the Nonresidential category below. Restaurants are also included in the nonresidential category described below.

  • Hospital

This excludes outpatient medical buildings and offices.

  • Other Non-Residential

This category would cover all buildings that are not included any other category

Where attributes make a building eligible for more than one baseline system type, the predominant condition should be used to determine the system type for the entire building, except as notes in Section G3.1.1. of Standard 90.1-2019 and also documented in Section of this manual.

Table 4. HVAC System Descriptions

System No.

System Type

Fan Control

Cooling Type

Heating Type (note 3)

1 – PTAC

Package terminal air conditioner

Constant volume

Direct expansion

Hot water fossil fuel boiler

2 – PTHP

Packaged terminal heat pump

Constant volume

Direct expansion

Electric heat pump

3 – PSZ AC

Packaged roof top air conditioner

Constant volume

Direct expansion

Fossil fuel furnace

4 – PSZ HP

Packaged roof top heat pump

Constant volume

Direct expansion

Electric heat pump

5 – PVAV Reheat

Packaged rooftop VAV with reheat

Variable volume

Direct expansion

Hot water fossil fuel boiler

6 – Packaged VAV with PFP Boxes

Packaged rooftop VAV with PFP boxes and reheat

Variable volume

Direct expansion

Electric resistance

7 – VAV with Reheat

Rooftop VAV with reheat

Variable volume

Chilled water

Hot water fossil fuel boiler

8 – VAV with PFP Boxes

VAV with parallel fan-powered boxes and reheat

Variable volume

Chilled water

Electric resistance

9 – Heating and Ventilation

Warm air furnace, gas fired

Constant volume


Fossil fuel furnace

10 – Heating and Ventilation

Warm air furnace, electric

Constant volume


Electric resistance

11 – SZ-VAV

Single zone VAV

Variable air volume

Chilled Water

See Note 2

12 – SZ-CV-HW

Single zone with hot water heat

Constant volume

Chilled Water

Hot water fossil fuel boiler

13 – SZ-CV-ER

Single zone with electric resistance heat

Constant volume

Chilled Water

Electric resistance


  1. For purchased chilled water and purchased heat, see G3.1.1.3.
  2. System 11 is only used for the exceptions stated below. For climate zones 0-3A, the heating type shall be electric resistance. For all other climate zones the heating type shall be hot-water fossil-fuel boiler.
  3. The fossil fuel type shall be natural gas if it is available at the site, otherwise propane.