5.0 Reporting


This chapter summarizes the requisite content and format of the PRM-RM standard reports. The establishment of these standard reporting requirements will standardize the way energy modeling output data is presented to various rating authorities. By standardizing the reports, all rating authorities will be able to view the same building information and evaluate the project for certification, labeling, or tax credit. Section G1.3.2 requires that documentation is provided to the rating authority in a report that include the following:

  1. A brief description of the project, the key energy efficiency improvements compared with the requirements in Sections 5 through 10, the simulation program used, the version of the simulation program, and the results of the energy analysis. This summary shall contain the calculated values for the baseline building performance, the proposed building performance, and the percentage improvement.
  2. An overview of the project that includes the number of stories (above and below grade), the typical floor size, the uses in the building (e.g., office, cafeteria, retail, parking, etc.), the gross area of each use, and whether each use is conditioned space.
  3. A list of the energy-related features that are included in the design and on which the performance rating is based. This list shall document all energy features that differ between the models used in the baseline building performance and proposed building performance calculations.
  4. A list showing compliance for the proposed design with all the requirements of Sections 5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, and 10.4 (mandatory provisions).
  5. A list identifying those aspects of the proposed design that are less stringent than the requirements of Sections 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 9.5, and 9.6 (prescriptive provisions).
  6. A table with a summary by end use of the energy cost savings in the proposed building performance.
  7. A site plan showing all adjacent buildings and topography that may shade the proposed building (with estimated height or number of stories).
  8. Building elevations and floor plans (schematic is acceptable).
  9. A diagram showing the thermal blocks used in the computer simulation.
  10. An explanation of any significant modeling assumptions.
  11. Backup calculations and material to support data inputs (e.g., U-factors for building envelope assemblies, NFRC ratings for fenestration, end-uses identified in Table G3.1, “1. Design Model,” paragraph [a]).
  12. Input and output reports from the simulation program or compliance software, including a breakdown of energy use by at least the following components: lights, internal equipment loads, service water-heating equipment, space-heating equipment, space-cooling and heat rejection equipment, fans, and other HVAC equipment (such as pumps). The output reports shall also show the amount of unmet load hours for both the proposed design and baseline building design.
  13. Purchased energy rates used in the simulations.
  14. An explanation of any error messages noted in the simulation program output. For any exceptional calculation methods employed, document the predicted energy savings by energy type, the energy cost savings, a narrative explaining the exceptional calculation method performed, and theoretical or empirical information supporting the accuracy of the method.
  15. The reduction in proposed building performance associated with on-site renewable energy.
  16. The version of the software and the link to the website that contains the ASHRAE Standard 140 results for the version used in accordance with Section G2.2.4.

PNNL and Karpman Consulting have developed compliance forms and an associated review manual that meets the documentation requirements listed above.