

This set of building descriptors addresses the overall design of the CHP system, including the type, control, capacity, efficiency and heat recovery possibilities.

CHP System Name


All CHP systems


A unique identifier that can be used to reference the CHP system and associate it with the construction documents. This is typically listed as an electric generator with or without heat recovery.


Text, Unique

Input Restrictions

As designed

Baseline Building

Same as Proposed


CHP System Type


All CHP systems


This building descriptor includes information needed to determine the criteria from baseline standards. The choices are typically Engine Generator, Gas Turbine Generaotor and Steam Turbine Generator.



Text, Unique

Input Restrictions

Engine Generator, Gas Turbine Generaotor and Steam Turbine Generator

Baseline Building

Same As Proposed


CHP Equipment Capacity


All CHP systems


This building descriptor includes the nominal full load capacity of the electrical generator portion of the CHP plant expressed in kW. This may be expressed as a range or in separate minimum and maximum ratios


Unitless ratio

Input Restrictions

As Designed (minimum must be > 0)

Baseline Building

Same As Proposed


CHP Track Mode


All CHP systems


This building descriptor describes how the cogeneration equipment attached to this meter is to be controlled. This is typically achieved by tracking an electric load of a particular electric meter or a thermal load of the loop to which the waste heat is being rejected or a combination thereof.


Keyword / Code Word

The code-word applies to this keyword, and the number in parenthesis the flag value that is equivalent to the code-word when the COGEN-TRACK-SCH is used:

DONT-RUN (0)             Specifies that the generators are shut off. This mode of operation allows a COGEN-TRACK-SCH to shut off the generators during certain times of the day or year.

TRACK-ELEC (1)          Specifies that the generators are to track the meter's electrical load. This mode works only for UTILITY electric meters, as ELECTRIC-SALE meters do not have any demands that can be tracked.

TRACK-THERMAL (2)    Specifies that the generators are to track the thermal load of an attached loop. For this mode to work, each attached generator must also be attached to a hot water loop. Note that, while multiple generators may be on the same electric meter, each of these generators may be attached to the same or different hot water loops, and may therefore be tracking the same or different thermal loads when operating in this mode.

  • When using this mode with a UTILITY meter, it is possible that the generators might produce more electricity than this meter demands. In this case, you should also attach each generator to a meter of type electric sale (via the generator's surplus-sale keyword); otherwise the surplus power will be lost.
  • When using this mode with an electric-sale meter (as the electric-meter, not the surplus-meter), all power will be sold. The amount generated and sold will then be a function of the thermal demands.

TRACK-LESSER (3)      Specifies that each generator is to track the smaller of this meter's electric demand, and the thermal demand of the generator's attached hot water loop. This mode works only when the generators are also attached to hot water loop

TRACK-GREATER (4)    Specifies that each generator is to track the greater of this meter's electric demand, and the thermal demand of the generator's attached hot water loop. This mode works only when the generators are also attached to a hot water loop.

  • When using this mode, it is possible that the generators might produce more electricity than this meter demands. In this case, you should also attach each generator to a meter of type electric-sale (via the generator's surplus-sale keyword); otherwise the surplus power will be lost.

MAX-OUTPUT (5)         Specifies that the generators are to run at maximum output. When using this mode with a utility meter, it is possible that the generators might produce more electricity than this meter demands. In this case, you should also attach each generator to a meter of type electric-sale (via the generator's surplus-sale keyword); otherwise the surplus power will be lost.

Input Restrictions

As Designed per keywords or code words

Baseline Building

No heat recovery is to be modeled in the baseline design so the electrical genewrator CHP system shall be set to track electric loads only (TRACK-ELEC (1))


CHP Track Schedule


All CHP systems


This building descriptor when specified, will override any value given for COGEN-TRACK-MODE. This keyword allows the operational mode of generators to shift according to the time of day or year.


8760 Scheule of type = Flag. Acceptable flag values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and have the meaning as described for CHP Track Mode.

Input Restrictions

As designed

Baseline Building

No heat recovery is to be modeled in the baseline design so the electrical generator CHP system shall be set to track electric loads only (TRACK-ELEC (1)) for all hours that the generator is available to run per the proposed operating schedule.


CHP Performance range


All CHP systems


This building descriptor includes the operational range as a decimal relative to the CHP equipment capacity


Text, Unique

Input Restrictions

As Designed

Baseline Building

Same As Proposed


CHP Equipment Capacity


All CHP systems


This building descriptor specifies the ratio of design fuel consumption to design electrical output, when both are in the same units. Note that for DOE 2.2 this entry is in terms of the higher heating value of the fuel and should be verified based upon the simulation protocol utilized.


Unitless ratio

Input Restrictions

As Designed (must be > 0)

Baseline Building

Same As Proposed


CHP Heat Recovery Loop


All CHP systems


This building descriptor specifies the loop to which this generator will recover exhaust heat


Text, Unique

Input Restrictions

As Designed (must be > 0)

Baseline Building

None – no heat is to be recovered in the baseline building


CHP Heat Recovery Performance Curve


All CHP systems


This building descriptor specifies the efficiency of the cogeneration equipment to recover heat as a function of the instantaneous performance (expressed as part load ratio) Specifically this descriptor specifies the variation in full-load recoverable exhaust heat with part load ratio. The factor is set as a curve and must be normalized to 1.0 at a part load ratio of 1.0.


Percent (%)

Input Restrictions

As Designed - Quadric Curve with Input Coefficients (Z = a + bX + cX2)

Baseline Building

Default Coefficients a = 0.29562601, b = 0.4930194, c = 0.21135481