The goal of this document is to provide input and rating rules covering a full range of energy-related features encountered in commercial buildings. However, this goal is unlikely to ever be achieved due to the many features that must be covered and the continuous evolution of building materials and technologies. The baseline building design shall be developed by modifying the proposed design as described in this manual and Standard 90.1 Appendix G, Section G3.1. All building systems and equipment shall be modeled identically in the proposed design and baseline building design, except when specifically noted in this manual. Where the baseline building systems and equipment are permitted to be different from the proposed design the baseline building shall be modeled to meet the mandatory and prescriptive requirements of Standard 90.1, Sections 5 through 10. If there are no mandatory or prescriptive requirements for a system or component in Standard 90.1, then those components shall be modeled as described in this document or it shall follow the requirements of other efficiency or equipment codes or standards applicable to the design of the building systems and equipment.
When the simulation program does not explicitly model a design, material, or device of the proposed design, an exceptional calculation method shall be used if approved by the rating authority.