ASHRAE Standard 90.1 has requirements to address the energy used for building systems and components including energy used for heating, cooling, ventilation, interior and exterior lighting, service water heating, motors, transformers, vertical transportation, refrigeration equipment, computer room cooling equipment and other building systems, components and processes with requirements prescribed in Standard 90.1 Sections 5 through 10.
Both the proposed and baseline building performance ratings must include all components of energy use, including receptacle loads, vertical transportation, garage ventilation, outdoor lighting, and process loads, such as refrigerated cabinets in supermarkets and cleanrooms in laboratories. Minimum efficiency requirements for many of these items are present in the prescriptive and mandatory sections of Standard 90.1 and should be modeled according to Standard 90.1-2019 Sections G1.2 and G1.3.
When allowed by the rating authority or building official, energy end-uses considered noninteractive, meaning they have no significant interactions with the heating and cooling energy components, such as exterior lighting or garage ventilation, can be determined through a side calculation instead of being modeled through the simulation program.