3.9.3 Other Electricity Use

This set of building descriptors should be used to include any miscellaneous electricity use that would add to the electric load of the building and would be on the building meter. These energy uses are assumed to be outside the building envelope and do not contribute heat gain to any thermal zone.

Snow-melt systems that prevent ice buildup at building entrances and other critical areas are an example. Systems consist of a heating element, which is embedded in the slab; sensors to detect OATs and moisture; a heating source; and controls to tie the heating element, sensors, and heating source together. The energy modeler should make a reasonable estimate of the energy consumption of the snow-melt system and this estimate shall be used for both the Baseline Building and the proposed design, e.g., no credit.


Miscellaneous Electric Power


All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site


The power for miscellaneous equipment.


Watts (W)

Input Restrictions

As designed. All miscellaneous power shall be accounted for.

Baseline Rules

Same as the proposed design


Miscellaneous Electric Schedule


All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site


The schedule of operation for miscellaneous electric equipment. This is used to convert electric power to energy use.


Data structure: schedule, fractional

Input Restrictions

The schedule specified for the building should match the operation patterns of the system.

Baseline Rules

Same as the proposed design


This set of building descriptors should be used to include any miscellaneous electricity use that would add to the electric load of the building and would be on the building meter. These energy uses are assumed to be outside the building envelope and do not contribute heat gain to any thermal zone.

Snow-melt systems prevent snow and ice buildup at building entrances and other critical areas. Systems consist of a heating element, which is embedded in the slab; sensors to detect OATs and moisture; a heating source; and controls to tie the heating element, sensors, and heating source together.

The energy modeler should make a reasonable estimate of the energy consumption of the snow-melt system and this estimate shall be used for both the baseline building and the proposed design, e.g., no credit. Other such systems could include outdoor electric grill, exterior sound system etc.


Miscellaneous Electric Power


All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site


The power for miscellaneous equipment


watts (W)

Input Restrictions

As designed

Baseline Building

Same as the proposed


Miscellaneous Electric Schedule


All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site


The schedule of operation for miscellaneous electric equipment


Data structure: schedule, fractional

Input Restrictions

The schedule specified for the building should match the operation patterns of the system

Baseline Building

Same as proposed

Building EQ

This set of building descriptors should be used to include any miscellaneous electricity use that would add to the electric load of the building and would be on the building meter. These energy uses are assumed to be outside the building envelope and do not contribute heat gain to any thermal block.

Miscellaneous Electric Power
Applicability All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site
Definition The power for miscellaneous equipment.
Units Watts (W)
Input Restrictions As designed. All miscellaneous power shall be accounted for when the purpose is a green building rating or an energy label.
Miscellaneous Electric Schedule
Applicability All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site
Definition The schedule of operation for miscellaneous electric equipment. This is used to convert electric power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions The schedule specified for the building should match the operation patterns of the system.
Energy Star

This set of building descriptors should be used to include any miscellaneous electricity use that would add to the electric load of the building and would be on the building meter. These energy uses are assumed to be outside the building envelope and do not contribute heat gain to any thermal block.

Miscellaneous Electric Power
Applicability All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site
Definition The power for miscellaneous equipment.
Units Watts (W)
Input Restrictions As designed. All miscellaneous power shall be accounted for when the purpose is a green building rating or an energy label.
Miscellaneous Electric Schedule
Applicability All buildings with miscellaneous electric equipment located on the building site
Definition The schedule of operation for miscellaneous electric equipment. This is used to convert electric power to energy use.
Units Data structure: schedule, fractional
Input Restrictions The schedule specified for the building should match the operation patterns of the system.