No HVAC System Designed


When the PRM is applied to buildings for which systems have not been designed, such as core and shell office buildings, the systems in the proposed design must be modeled to comply with, but not exceed the requirements of Standard 90.1-2019 Table G3.1 part 10.

In accordance with Standard 90.1 G3.1 part 10,  if no heating system exists or has been submitted with design documents, the system type shall be the same system as modeled in the baseline building design and is required to comply with but not exceed the prescriptive requirements as specified in 90.1-2019 Section 6. Similarly, if no cooling system exists or has been submitted with design documents, the system type shall be the same system as modeled in the baseline building design and is required to comply with but not exceed the prescriptive requirements as specified in 90.1-2019 Section 6

Spaces that are cooled but not heated, are required to be simulated with heating. Spaces that are heated but not cooled are required to be simulated with a cooling system, unless they qualify as heated only spaces in accordance with Section of this document. Where the space classification for a space is not known, the space shall be categorized as an open office space.