Users of this manual include energy modelers, software developers, and program administrators (code officials and those that run “beyond code” programs).
- Energy Modelers. When available, modelers should use software that automatically generates the baseline building but when necessary the energy modeler can also manually apply the COMNET modeling rules and procedures to create the baseline buildings and the proposed design.
- Software Developers. Software developers can use the COMNET modeling guidelines to customize their software to automatically create the baseline building model and assure that schedules and other modeling assumptions are neutral. The COMNET quality assurance program also recommends use of a standard report that would be automatically generated by software to facilitate data transfer. Software that automates the modeling process and implements the standard reports can be accredited by COMNET. Software may be accredited for one or more COMNET purposes. The COMNET accreditation procedures are presented in another section of the COMNET website. [Provide links to both the accreditation procedures and the standard reports.]
- Program Administrators. Program administrators operate code, recognition, or incentive programs that are based on energy modeling. These include energy code calculations for code compliance, EPA’s ENERGY STAR program, Savings By Design (California utilities), USGBC’s LEED program, Green Globes and many others. Program administrators can use this document to better understand the baseline building definition and to check energy models for correctness. When available, they can require the use of COMNET accredited software as an integral part of their program.
No content for 90.1-2019.