COMNET Standing Committee

Charles Eley, Chair

Charles Eley is an architect and mechanical engineer with 30 years experience in energy efficient and sustainable design. Mr. Eley is the chair of the COMNET Standing Committee; he was the primary author of the COMNET Modeling Guidelines and Procedures. Mr. Eley has made significant contributions to the California energy standards, ASHRAE Standard 90.1, and energy codes in Hong Kong, Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and Australia. Mr. Eley worked with the California Energy Commission to update the state energy efficiency standards for five code update cycles.

In addition to his energy codes and policy work, Mr. Eley has also developed a number of important publications including the Advanced Lighting Guidelines, the Lighting Fundamentals Handbook, and numerous other technical manuals on energy efficient and code compliance. Mr. Eley is the primary author and technical editor of the ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999 User's Manual. He also served as the executive director of the Collaborative for High Performance Schools and was the technical editor of the CHPS Best Practices Manual.

Martha Brook (CEC)

Lane Burt (USGBC)

Philip Fairey (FSEC)

David Goldstein (NRDC)

Michael Holtz (LightLouver)

Cliff Majersik (IMT)

Mike Opitz (Cadmus)

Bill Prindle (ICF)

Steve Taylor (Taylor/ASHRAE)


Colin McCormick (DOE)

Jean Lupinacci (EPA)

Additional COMNET Committees


Quality Assurance

Structure and Finance



COMNET Technical Committee

Charles Eley (Chair)*

Martha Brook*

Philip Fairey*

David Goldstein*

Krishnan Gowri

Gail Hampsmire

Michael Holtz*

Tianzhen Hong

Joe Huang

Ron Nelson

Michael Rosenberg

Steve Taylor*

* Members of the COMNET Standing Committee (CSC)