ACEEE Summer Study August 21-26 2016

Submitted by DrupalSysOp on Wed, 07/20/2016 - 10:52

The new performance rating method contained in Appendix G of Standard 90.1-2016 fixes the baseline and introduces a new performance metric called Performance Cost Index (PCI). The procedure can be used for beyond-code recognition and/or incentive programs and may be used to show compliance with the 2016 Standard as well as previous versions. Come and see how this new procedure is implemented in the COMNET modeling guidelines and discuss how it will affect energy programs that depend on energy modeling. This discussion will be led by Charles Eley.

XML Schema

Version 1.0 of the COMNET XML schema for simulation outputs is now available for use. Software developers are encouraged to use this schema that is freely available on this website to provide a standard interface for electronic exchange of building energy simulation outputs. Regulating authorities that require simulations for green ratings, incentive programs, or compliance checks are similarly encouraged to use this schema.

Click here to download. 


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Sponsors and Supporters

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COMNET Committees

COMNET Standing Committee

Charles Eley, Chair

Charles Eley is an architect and mechanical engineer with 30 years experience in energy efficient and sustainable design. Mr. Eley is the chair of the COMNET Standing Committee; he was the primary author of the COMNET Modeling Guidelines and Procedures. Mr.

Vision, Mission and Objectives


A COMNET developed quality control and assurance program, is widely accepted and used as the most technically credible and reliable process for evaluating commercial and high-rise multifamily building energy performance, as required for building energy code compliance, sustainability ratings, asset ratings, and operations as well as governmental and utility programs and tax programs.